My Cool
3-in-1 PDA Stylus
by: Howard
Carson, send
Supplier:, go
to the web site
Requires: Compaq
iPaq, other versions available for most PDAs
MSRP: $15.99
will the PDA makers decide to supply a stylus which
is a useful writing/printing instrument? Probably never
- which is great news for all the aftermarket product
makers and companies such as StylusCentral. The fact
is, the iPaq 1910, Palm Zire 71 and a host of other
PDA models are supplied with really terrible styluses
(styli?). The sticks are too skinny to grip easily
or too smooth for secure printing and tapping and don't
even have a built-in reset pin. |
offers a wide range of stylus models (we counted about
70 on the web site), from the sublime, simple and elegant
to the bulkiest multi-function multiple pen/stylus/light
combinations. We tested the 3-in-1 model which fits the
HP iPaq 1910. The stylus has an integrated ball point pen
cartridge built into the top, and a composite PDA tip incorporating
a hidden reset pin.
An 'A'
rating for any replacement stylus depends entirely on comfort.
If you are constantly fumbling with the thing, shifting
its position in your hand, struggling to grip it securely,
or constantly adjusting the tip angle because you're tapping
inaccurately, the stylus is no good. Any one of those things
is enough to tick us off - seriously. When you spend an
hour or more per day, every day, printing and tapping on
your PDA, any minor inconvenience can quickly turn into
a repetitive nightmare. Suffice it to say the styli supplied
with new iPaq 1910 and Zire 71 PDAs deserve a resounding
other valuable quality in any replacement stylus has
to be how well it overcomes the shortcomings of the original.
And that's what this review is about.
Although a replacement model for the iPaq 1910 has to
be the same skinny diameter in order to fit the storage
slot, the My Cool version has a matte finish aluminum shaft
which provides a vastly better grip that the original.
a replacement stylus for the iPaq 1910 has to be the
exact same overall dimensions as the original, the
My Cool version incorporates a reset pin in its screw-on
tip and a ball point pen (useful for short quick notes)
in a pull off cap on the top. Why HP doesn't supply an
identical My Cool 3-in1 Stylus with all its iPaqs (instead
of the current toothpick) is a mystery.
My Cool model for the Zire 71 is even better than the
iPaq model. The reason is mainly that the basic diameter
of the Zire stylus is 33% larger than the iPaq stylus.
The Zire stylus feels much more pen-like in the first place,
and when you replace the smooth, gripless Zire black plastic
shaft with the very grippy aluminum of the My Cool, well,
the Zire becomes even more of a pleasure to use.
That's what it's really all about too - providing a writing
and tapping instrument which doesn't interfere with or
detract from the use of your PDA. It's really simple stuff!
When will the PDA manufacturers realize that the majority
of their customers are men and women with hands and fingers
larger than those of an 8 year old child! While the My
Cool iPaq stylus is perfectly good, we have to say that
iPaq 1910 designers
sure didn't provide for anything which can be gripped securely
and used confidently by people with normal sized hands.
of the
iPaq 1910
stylus is an emaciated 3.6mm. Compare that to the 4.8mm
of the Palm Zire 71 stylus and the Compaq iPaq 3950's 5mm
stylus and you may decide that the basic design of the
iPaq 1910 stylus almost useless.
The composite stylus tips on the My Cool 3-in-1 models
are very kind
to your precious PDA screen. If you
find the original iPaq stylus too scrawny or the Zire's
too slippery, the offerings from cover
an enormous range including great big fat ones, pen/pencil
sized ones to fit a jacket or shirt pocket, lighted ones,
3, 4 & 5-in-1 combinations and, well, you name it.
This would be a blatant pitch for StylusCentral's offerings
but for the fact that the styli supplied with many PDA
models are notably sub-standard. Recommended.
Letters to the Editor are welcome and occasionally abused in public. Send e-mail to: