How to Do
Everything with Photoshop CS, by Colin Smith, ISBN
by: Lianne
Reitter, January 2004, send
by: McGraw-Hill
Osborne, go
to the web site
Requires: N/A
MSRP: $44.95
In order
for you to judge by this review if this book is
right for you, I should first tell you my
level of experience with Photoshop - it’s practically
nil. I'm a power user of PhotoSuite 4 and an intermediate
user of Photoshop Elements 2. But even with that
experience I look at Photoshop CS, click a few icons,
scribble on a blank canvas and then shut it down
because I have no idea what I'm doing. So I need
a lot of help and a book titled How to Do Everything
with Photoshop CS seemed to me to be the best way
to get started. I also think you should know that
while I have a great respect for books in general,
I think How To books are meant to be tools, and since
you own it, you shouldn't feel that dog earring pages,
highlighting passages or writing down your own notes
in the margins is taboo. I also think that in the
case of computer software How To books, it is best
to have the book and program open at the same time.
That way you can see for yourself what the writer
is describing. Pausing along the way for some in-depth
experimentation is just the ticket to really imprint
the lessons into your brain.
Colin Smith is an award winning graphic designer,
a professional Photoshop trainer who among other
things contributes articles to Photoshop User and
MacDesign magazines. With those credentials, I knew
that at the very least I had a book of instruction
written by someone who knows what he is talking about.
However, I started to think things might not go so
well when I read the introduction. Mr. Smith describes
Photoshop CS as a “…very accessible program – a
complete beginner can jump into the software and
produce something right away.” Well, that might
be true if you meant to spend $650.00 on a electronic
doodle pad. Face it, for beginners Photoshop CS (Photoshop
in general) is not intuitive. In fact I find the
interface rather daunting. OK, I get the tools panel
on the left hand side – but don't ask me what
the dodge or burn is supposed to do. And what about
those things on the right hand side? Layers, levels,
curves (and in Photoshop curves do not refer to line
shapes or pretty girls) channels and histograms -
huh? Maybe when Photoshop people talk about beginners,
they aren't talking about beginners like me, they
mean a beginner that just graduated from Waterloo
with his degree in graphic arts. But the title is
How to Do Everything with Photoshop CS so I persevered
and was relieved to read that the first chapter of
the book is called Photoshop CS Primer - as in ‘before
the beginning’. I am happy to report that this
book only assumes two things: that you know how your
computer works; that you know nothing about Photoshop
The book is
laid out quite nicely with each chapter broken down into
sections that take you through Photoshop CS step-by-step,
feature by feature. By its nature Photoshop is not a linear
program and laying out a How To book like this can be difficult
as so many aspects of the program are interwoven. You can't
describe what a simple thing like a palette is in Photoshop
CS without mentioning layers, and layers, while the very
heart of any version of Photoshop are complicated enough
that you can't just start talking about them to a newbie
without first describing the more simpler Photoshop CS
attributes. Colin Smith does a great job of laying out
his lessons and eases you through the first chapter by
making you familiar with the Photoshop CS work space, it’s
menus, toolbars, color modes, file types, and even those
palettes; everything you need to know before you even open
your first blank page (and the book shows you how to do
that as well).
Read further
on to similarly laid out chapters dedicated to getting
your documents into the program, drawing and
painting, using layers, working with advanced techniques,
using and manipulating text, special effects and enhancing
photographs (my personal favorite – and the histogram
finally explained – at last!). Accompanying his step-by-step
text, Mr. Smith has included hundreds of full color photos
showing the techniques being described. This helps immensely
as mere description isn't enough to teach the beginner
the concepts and techniques used in this powerful piece
of software. Where the majority of this book deals with
creating your work, the final two chapters deal with exporting
your Photoshop CS creations. Printing them out to paper
media might seem pretty straightforward, but when you are
talking about professional output, you'll need to know
how to show your registration and corner crop marks too.
If you were thinking of publishing your creations to your
very own web page, How to Do Everything with Photoshop
CS has a chapter devoted to that goal as well.
The final chapter of the book is a real treat. Behind
the Scenes brings a Photoshop work of art from each of
six top Photoshop artists, including the author. Along
with their talent these artists provide their own step-by-step
tutorials of how they accomplished one of the techniques
they used in their creation. You won't believe your eyes.
This portion of the book alone is worth the price. How
to Do Everything with Photoshop CS is 376 full color pages
of easy to follow instruction that will get that masterpiece
out of your head and into a format that you can share with
the world - whether it's performing complex photo editing,
creating web graphics, or drawing a masterpiece.
I do have a couple of criticisms. The first is that while
the pictures in the book help to explain how the projects
were being created and while it was possible to follow
along using my own photos, it would have been nice for
the publishers to a CD of the pictures being manipulated.
Using the same examples as those shown in the illustrations
would have allowed me to match on my screen what I saw
in the book. That would have proved to me that I got the
lesson right.
My second criticism
is that I have to wonder if this book goes into all the
creative features in CS. I was watching
Bert Monroy on TV one evening. For those who may not know
it, he is one of ‘the’ premier Photoshop artists
on the planet ( and he was demonstrating
a feature new to this version of Photoshop called Match
Color. Like the demo video on the Adobe web site, Mr. Monroy
had two pictures side by side on his monitor, one was of
a woman wearing a red shirt and the other was of a swatch
of green cloth. Mr. Monroy dragged the picture of the green
cloth on to the picture of the lady in the red shirt, and
like magic, her shirt turned green, with all the same highlights
and shadows and color tones as the original. Well, I just
had to have that! But do you think I could find that technique
in the book? The author doesn't even mention its more broader
function of bringing a group of photos with varying tonal
qualities in line with a master image. I am left a little
confused. I understand that this book is titled How to
Do Everything with Photoshop CS and not How to Do Everything
Photoshop CS Does but this is a key new feature in CS and
I have to wonder what else has been left out. Is this really
a book about Photoshop CS or is it just a How To book that
explains how to use any advanced version of Photoshop.
I guess for beginners like myself, it really doesn't matter
because between these pages is enough information and tutorials
to keep me busy and learning about Photoshop CS for a long,
long time. Recommended.
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