Design by Eric Evans, ISBN 0321125215
by: Howard Carson, January 2005, send
by: Addison
Wesley Professional, go
to the web site
Requires: N/A
MSRP: US$49.99,
serious title this is. The fundamental issues at
the heart
of software design are shifting with
every new technology implementation. As Tom Kappel
suggested in his Kickstartnews review of Agile
Project Management: Creating Innovative Products the
basic assumptions on which many new software projects
are founded sometimes look more like shifting sand
than solid ground. So too with rational domain-driven
models in the realm of original software design.
Software developers have the ability to express rich
functionality and translate it into a program that
directly serves the needs of the end users for which
its intended. It's a laudable goal certainly, and
one which is achieved far too infrequently. That's
what Domain-Driven Design is all about.
Domain modeling is one of the fundaments of software
design these days. In fact, Object-Oriented Programming
(OOP) is at the core of most of the domain modeling
used on a daily basis on every platform. But the
essence of successful domain modeling and domain-driven
design is by definition embedded in the experiences
of end users, not the theoretical or empiric estimates
of engineers. What that means for software companies
is simply that without effective end user research
and focus group studies, and without seriously robust
databases containing reports from end users about
flaws (or at least perceived flaws) in software,
domain-driven design often becomes something more
akin to witchcraft than intelligent and thoughtful
planning meant to truly encompass the needs of end
users. The foregoing mouthful is brought to you by
someone who has lived successfully on both sides
of the software design fence. Too often, OOP and
its necessary tangents, user interface engines, rendering
engines and other things which pre-exist in any established
software company's inventory get short shrift during
the planning of new products and new versions of
existing products. Without project management essentials
such as peer review of code, general standards for
coding and development and a variety of other rules,
programmers may wander in all sorts of directions
and into all sorts of trouble. Eric Evans' Domain-Driven
Design is written to provide a structured set of
ineluctable reminders about all the things needed
to make domain-driven OOP worthwhile and powerful. |
Evans is no rookie and it shows. His basic demand that
all programmers need to buy into the common ground of the
lifecycle of domain objects, the need for a plan to write
combinable code at every legitimate opportunity, the application
of analysis patterns, the need for all programmers to be
speaking the same planning and coding language, and finding
ways of creating predictability within the confines of
complex code is an important lesson. It's also a demand
that is lost on even the most experienced programmers too
often these days. They tend to forget or at least lose
sight of 'the rules' while they're working in highly pressurized
development environments. Shortcuts abound, and individual
programmers are left to fend for themselves too often as
well, even when working on elements which will materially
affect security and stability in the final version of the
software. Is this sort of weak point in the design and
project planning processes one of the reasons that Microsoft
products have invited such an incredible onslaught of security
breaches and attacks? Would longer product lifecycles built
on slightly longer domain-driven design mandates make Microsoft
products temporarily less competitive but more reliable
and secure? And would greater reliability and security
eventually make Microsoft products more competitive and
more trusted?
My own experience with complex, non-Microsoft development
projects is that more often than not any failure to build
into the project the flexibility needed to accommodate
dynamic changes is usually the weakest link in the chain.
The moment that a product manager comes up in mid-project
with a new feature or function that suddenly must be present
in order to compete effectively in the marketplace, the
design and planning of the entire project is sorely tested.
Truly comprehensive project management combined with thorough
domain-driven design should unite in such situations to
effectively meet that product manager's legitimate needs
without unduly stressing everyone into massive coronaries.
Forget about enormous entities like Microsoft for a moment
because this lesson applies to almost every software company
out there.
All of the 'lessons' in the book come at a price which
many software developers believe they cannot afford. At
the end (of any development project) though, the advantages
of coming to market on time with a robust and stable product
after a slightly longer development cycle almost always
outweigh the ephemeral advantage of arriving in the market
early with a buggy pile of code. For example, hardware
OEMs want to bundle the most stable and consistently reliable
software, not the most feature-ridden less stable versions.
Eric Evans seems to also understand that hard-driven programmers
who have burned through bad planning, code objects that
are nowhere near as versatile as they should be, and endless
rounds of bug fixing aren't going to hang around for the
next crusade driven by yet more shortsighted and inflexible
product and development planning.
Evans stresses directly and by implication that all design
must be driven by a clear understanding about how the completed
software project will be applied by end users. To my way
of thinking, any software architect who truly understands
the most common range of end user needs and the potential
changes or evolution in those needs, is by implication
solidly in touch with the product's lifecycle and, by direct
association, domain object lifecycles as well. That knowledge,
along with the market realities imposed on the project
manager and product manager, provides a secure framework
in which domain-driven design can effectively take place.
That's what Evans deals with and that's why this book is
a good read.
Cons: Although it's readily apparent that Evans directs
the book well and has really written it for programmers,
Addison Wesley Professional should also be marketing the
book at project and product managers.
Pros: Aside from his technical, planning and design skills,
Eric Evans can write. The book is well organized, with
clear statements of intent, practical and theoretical result
comparisons, practical and metaphorical illustrations and
examples, and lots and lots of code. Seat-of-the-pants
programming is acknowledged as a necessary evil but Evans
clearly demonstrates the situations in which even high-speed,
short-term projects benefit from at least a few moments
of careful domain-driven design. For programmers, project
managers, software architects, planners and product managers,
this book is a must-read. Every member of your development
team, including the project and product managers, will
benefit from reading some part of the book. Highly recommended.
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