JavaBeans, 4th Edition
by: Songmuh
Jong, November 2004, send
by: O'Reilly, go
to the web site
Requires: JDK
1.4 or higher, JBoss 4.0 or higher, and knowledge of JDBC
and distributed objects
MSRP: US$44.95,
CDN$65.95, UK£31.95
O'Reilly book gives Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)
a new boost. The book is now in its fourth edition
in order to keep up with the revisions of the EJB
specifications. Readers of previous editions will
be surprised to find that the book has significantly
increased in size due to the new section on JBoss
Workbook. For the first time, this book becomes an
EJB book that actually guides readers in an EJB container.
This welcome change will undoubtedly attract more
readers and maintain the books leadership in this
technical area.
The first part of this book is similar to previous
editions. It starts with three chapters of overview
about EJB, then goes into specific discussions of
individual EJB concepts, using the same Titan Cruises
examples. As in earlier editions, it discusses entity
beans before session beans. CMP, BMP, message-driven
beans, and transactions are clearly laid out in individual
chapters. A discussion of the role of EJB in J2EE
is also found in its own chapter. The other major
new additions to this book are the Timer Service
and the web services.
to the EJB concepts is the existence
of a database server. This is well covered in this
The first few EJB examples take advantage of the
JBoss default database and impressively create the
database tables during deployment. The Appendix shows
an example of setting up Oracle connection pool with
The discussion on web services also stands out in
its detailed illustration of the XML schema, namespaces,
SOAP, JAX-RPC, WSDL and UDDI. The only shortcoming
is that the author forgot to mention there is a dependency
of the exercise on a JBoss file that is not present
in the default installation. Other printing errors
can be found in the errata pages from the web page
(see above). |
Because of the complexity of EJB, each developer can most
likely assume one role in the enterprise team. Whether
you are a coder for the beans, the assembler of beans,
or the deployer of web applications, this book provides
guidance for all the roles. The workbook provides all the
deployment descriptors and ant scripts (see below). Details
specific to deployment can be found in those examples and
in the discussion in chapter 18.
New to this book is the more than 160 pages of JBoss Workbook.
Its organization is exactly what has been implied in the
name: a list of exercises with limited narration. It starts
with a brief but complete description of JBoss installation,
followed by the chapter after chapter of examples. The
source codes can be downloaded in one bundle. Better yet,
it comes with ant scripts that automate the build and deploy
process. Simply type 'ant' at the command prompt for each
exercise, and the EJB jar file is created and deployed
to the JBoss server. This feature saves readers a lot of
Since this book is dealing with EJB 2.0 and 2.1 while
EJB 3.0 draft has been out, it is not surprising that more
revisions will be needed in the near future. JBoss has
implemented some EJB 3.0 features and made them available
as a plug-in. Although JBoss is an excellent server, I'd
love to see discussion on other servers as well, including
the Sun Application Server that comes with the J2EE JDK.
Readers may also want to read books on J2EE in order to
cover the full spectrum of enterprise development.
This book is a great reference and instructional text
on EJB. This new edition maintains its leadership as a
concise discussion of this important area. The newly added
JBoss Workbook is an encouraging trend. As the author points
out, this book should be read after the reader has gained
experience on some of the Java technology (see the Requires
section). Recommended.
Letters to the Editor are welcome and occasionally abused in public. Send e-mail to: whine@kickstartnews.com
