A Geek by Wil Wheaton, ISBN 059600768X
by: Howard Carson, January 2005, send
by: O'Reilly, go
to the web site
Requires: N/A
MSRP: US$24.95,
CAN$36.95, UK£15.95
If the
fatuous young overlords at G4 Tech TV (now called "G4") had a lick of common sense
is their collective head, they would never have fired
Leo Laporte and Patrick Norton. But even if they
were forced by some heretofore unknown stupid-virus
to make the bad decision to get rid of the aforementioned
(superbly informative, personable and dynamic) hosts,
choices for top quality replacements abounded. My
choice for top dog would have been none other than
Wil Wheaton, newly minted author of Just A Geek,
former child star of the superb growing-up movie "Stand
By Me", teenage star of TV's "Star Trek:
The Next Generation" (in the role of Wesley
Crusher), all-round techno smart guy, former short-lived
G4 host, Windows and (sometime) Linux techie, wry
and brilliantly witty sense of humor and all. You
bet your sweet fanny folks. Young Ensign Crusher
hasn't been a brainy fop for years. No sirree. Mr.
Wheaton is a genuinely interesting fellow. He's a
geek too, apparently. I'm a fan. I'm reviewing this
book. The groundwork is laid.
July 2001, Wil Wheaton launched one of the first
read WebLogs (Blogs).
Why did he do this? Simply put, he was all at sea.
the beach. Up the creek without a paddle. Casting
about for acting work. Going for parts (auditions
of all kinds in productions of all kinds), writing,
diving into computer technology and generally doing
what people who are working only occasionally and
at a transitional point in their lives and careers
usually do. The problem is, Wil wasn't clicking anywhere.
It wasn't that the doors were slamming in his face—far
from it. He was just reaching a point in his life
at which the influence he felt he should have on
those around him was lagging far behind his skills,
talents and great personality. It's a scary position
in which to exist and family aside, Mr. Wheaton found
few other viable and public releases for his ideas,
emotions and boundless energy except for the Blog
and his well-founded personal and family relationships. |
rest, as is often said, is (personal) history. The story
of Wil's
epiphanies, trials, tribulations, revelations,
successes, failures and historical perspective are the
subjects of this book. The fact that the writing is completely
positive and energetic—a delightful read and a great
ride—is only slightly less amazing than it is a demonstration
of will. Make no mistake about it either, because Wil is
not particularly impressed with himself now and never really
wanted to be. Despite the career setbacks and frustrations
and (occasional) difficulty paying the bills, his perspective
on life and his role in the world around him seems grounded
and ingenuously modest. The fact that he has come out of
the fabulously famous Star Trek:TNG franchise with his
humility intact and ego in check may be a greater achievement
than any of his successful ambitions.
Essentially, Wheaton has taken some time to describe the
substance of his transition from intelligent, somewhat
confident and talented teen actor into an intelligent,
confident and even more talented adult who is absorbed
by family responsibilities, acting and technology. Of course,
I wanted Wil to take all this in stride and literally flip
off the bad experiences as they came, embrace the good
stuff and rise effortlessly above all the rest. But since
he's also a down-to-earth man, subject to some of the foibles,
second-guessing and insecurities from which we all suffer
from time to time, I endured the portions of the book in
which Wil portrayed himself as something less than I wanted
him to be. I've listened to friends, Star Trek:TNG fans
all, critique Wheaton's TV work and disliked them for doing
so. I'm no starry-eyed idiot, merely someone who appreciates
the hard work this fine actor and young renaissance man
has done.
The book is a cleverly juxtaposed combination of some
of the best and most appropriate of Wil's blog entries
interleaved in a lot of interesting, well-paced and chronologically
sensible narratives of his gradual and (with the benefit
of hindsight) predictable successes. But it's the just
as clearly delineated mistakes and misses that entertain
too. As I reached the mid-point of the book I began thinking
to myself that I really wanted this guy to start winning
the battles he deserved to win. Being articulate, experienced,
honest, capable, and talented doesn't guarantee success
especially when the cards just don't come your way. So
my expectations of a deliriously happy or supremely cathartic
ending weren't fulfilled. Am I sad though? Not on your
life! The end of the book isn't an ending of any kind.
It's an affirmation and a continuation and you'll have
to read the thing to find out why I like it so much. In
point of fact by the way, the end of the main book isn't
the end of the story because there are two Appendix sections
which are almost as big a blast.
Cons: Some of
the book's most interesting sections (chapter nine: "Alone Again, or...")
contain passages that are a wee bit too introspective
even considering the
self-effacing and honest nature of Wheaton's writing style.
Pros: Some of the best of Wil Wheaton's generally excellent
blog is showcased including (in Appendix 'B') some of the
best excerpts from his online interviews. Wil's story is
a broad snapshot of a life that has been terrifically interesting
to this point in time. His journey to self-realization
as he describes it is both very entertaining and sometimes
embarrassingly honest. Wheaton is destined for some really
interesting and prosperous times ahead not because he is
deserving merely due to his famous and accomplished past,
but rather because he continues to do the work that needs
to be done personally and professionally to make your own
luck. Writing, technology, Star Trek 'cons, TV? You bet.
I want this guy to win. Very good read. Highly recommended.
Letters to the Editor are welcome and occasionally abused in public. Send e-mail to: whine@kickstartnews.com
