by: Jim
P+, November 2004
by: O'Reilly
Community Press, go
to the web site
Requires: Previous
word processing experience
MSRP: $24.95
A year or so ago I submitted a review of OpenOffice
v1.0.1. If you happened to read that you might have
gotten the idea that I liked the suite. Just in case
I wasn't clear then, I did like and I still do. OpenOffice
is now at v1.1.3 and just keeps getting better. One
way to tell that a piece of software is making it
is the number of books you can find about it. There
actually are quite a few of them about OpenOffice,
including the inevitable (or unavoidable)
for Dummies. Writer became an O'Reilly
offering when the company bought the rights to the
author's self-published book Taming
Writer 1.1.
is not a starter book for folks new to using word
processing software. It concentrates on showing
intermediate and advanced users how to use the publishing
features of Writer. To quote from the book's preface, “The
typical users include academic writers, technical
writers and other business and professional writers—anyone
who produces books, research papers, proposals or
other documents requiring the use of more than the
basic [word processing] features.” That might
sound a little scary if you typically just use word
processing to write letters or the occasional product
review; it was to me anyway. Once I actually got
into the book I was surprised to find that it held
some great information I could use. For one thing,
the book has the best configuration instructions
for Writer I've ever read. |
Author Jean
Hollis Weber takes a straightforward approach explaining
how to do things in Writer—you don't waste
time getting through flowery prose or historical information.
But the author's style is not stiff or grounded in boring
technical language. It's just concise and to the point.
Nor does she try to cover all of Writer's capabilities.
She does concentrate on giving the user who writes for
a living the information needed to use Writer in a very
productive manner.
Now that I've tried to say that this book is for writers,
and really not for the general schmucks like you and me
who just write simple stuff, please allow me to back up
a little. Have you ever wanted to create a table of contents
and index for something you've written? Ever needed to
have a first page that was formatted differently from the
rest of your document and didn't get clobbered when you
changed the formatting on the text? Ever wanted to have
some of those really cool chunks of text adjacent to a
paragraph (they're called Side heads by the way) that lead
readers into the subject material? Well, I have, and in
the past I've either been too lazy or too dimwitted to
figure them out. (My wife and daughter insist on the latter
explanation. My son on the other hand, has apparently learned
that some things need not be considered or remarked upon.
He's a good man).
If you use OpenOffice Writer then you can easily follow
the book's procedures for setting up sideheads and hundreds
of other things. The book covers creating and using templates,
fields (very cool), and graphics. There's also a chapter
called Working with Large or Complex Documents, something
which is beyond my current needs, but which would have
been useful a couple of times in the past. The point is
that although it's aimed at writers, just about anyone
who uses Writer can get quite a bit out of this book. It's
a good reference and procedural how-to manual. I like it
well enough that I'm going to recommend it to an agency
I know that wants to convert to OpenOffice. Since the majority
of those folks carry weapons, I don't do this lightly.
Letters to the Editor are welcome and occasionally abused in public. Send e-mail to:
