the Be Operating System
by: Howard Carson, send
by: O'Reilly & Associates, go
to the web site
Requires: BeOS
r4.0 or higher, approximately 4 weeks of study
MSRP: US$34.95,
Be operating system (BeOS) stumbled into public view
in 1992 in the guise of something called the BeBox.
The BeBox was a dedicated Mac computer (Motorola-based)
with a brand new operating system. Be Inc., was founded
in 1990 by Jean-Louis Gasse (formerly, president
of Apple's products division). Be, Inc. is a software
company focused on developing and delivering an operating
system designed for digital media applications and
Internet appliances. BeOS allows users to simultaneously
operate multiple audio, video, image processing and
Internet-based software applications while maintaining
system stability, media quality and processor performance.
Using C++ in the Code Warrior development environment
along with "Programming the Be Operating System" should
provide most programmers with a fascinating and satisfying
look at the rather robust Be operating system.
Dan Parks Sydow is the author of Programming the Be Operating
System. He's a computer programmer, consultant, and writer
based in the U.S. (Milwaukee, Wisconsin). He has worked on
a variety of software engineering projects in areas as diverse
as software control of the on-board nuclear reactor of the
Seawolf submarine, to heart image display software for a
hospital's medical imaging department. In the last few years
he has written over a dozen programming books.
Historical data on the evolution and development of BeOS
is less than voluminous. It's a shame too, because BeOS takes
quite a novel approach to computer operating system design.
Programming the Be Operating System provides a solid foundation
on which to develop strong applications for this robust OS.
For the record (according to Frank Boosman, VP business development
at Be, Inc.) the name of the operating system is pronounced
So who cares about BeOS and why should anyone bother developing
applications for it? MGI Software (which develops and markets
award winning software such as PhotoSuite III, VideoWave
III), MetaCreations (Bryce), Opera (web browser) Maxon (Cinema
4D), and several dozen other serious multimedia companies
are all porting some of their main products to BeOS. There's
no reason why they shouldn't because Be, Inc. is making it
easy for them to do so. According to Reid Ellis (who worked
on the VideoWave II for BeOS project at MGI Software), technical
and developer support from Be, Inc. is quite good. If you're
a vaguely decent C++ programmer you should consider cranking
out a few small utilities for BeOS too. You'll be surprised
at some of the more interesting 'names' (in addition to the
big guys named above) who are associating themselves with
Be. There are even a couple of hardy souls touting BeOS as
an alternative to Windows 98 and 2000. And since BeOS runs
like a top on most standard (and plenty of not-so-standard)
Intel and Mac-based machines, and also features a heavy dose
of cross-system file compatibility, it's probably worth considering
a dual-boot setup with BeOS and Win98 or 2000 on the same
machine (or even a triple- boot setup if you're also brave
enough to tackle Linux as well). What you'll end up with
is a stable new OS that's pretty to look at, boots up in
15-20 seconds, and performs multimedia chores such as audio,
photo, and video editing like a champ.
So what about the book under review here you ask? Well
there's not much to say about it. The principle premise is
well met. The author has taken a dry, detailed, and well
organized approach to his subject. The publication was reviewed
by Be, Inc.'s own Stephen Beaulieu, Manager of Developer
Technical Support, so there's certainly no question about
the accuracy of the instructional information. The main caveat
is that you need to be something more than a totally novice
C++ programmer in order to wrap your head around the concepts
which are presented in the book. That stated, the book is
structured in a way that provides measured guidance through
several programming projects. Most important of all, the
book clearly emphasizes the strong points of the BeOS. The
author does not attempt to present BeOS as Windows 'killer',
but rather as a superbly viable alternative for programmers
focused on multimedia application development.
Although it's been around for a few years, only since 1998
has Be, Inc. really been pushing hard to attract strong
Be, Inc. did not do a good
job of ensuring that developer links and contact information
were included throughout the book. If a company truly wants
to spread the word, it must use every means at its disposal
to do so. There's also some concern about the fact that Be,
Inc. doesn't seem to be pushing OS sales to the general public
very hard as yet. Makes 'ya wonder.
BeOS costs a lousy 60 or 70 bucks. Buy it, install it,
and try it. You'll be shocked at how good it is. Check
out the Be, Inc. web site at If the book
does nothing else, it will get you into an awfully nifty,
new-ish OS. Programming for BeOS, while not exactly a pure
joy, doesn't have to take legacy OS versions and applications
into account. Like most things new, there's little or no
aggravating history to contend with. Since BeOS was designed
from its beginning to support C++ applications, everything
you've learned in C++ to date will have a place when you're
programming for BeOS. The book emphasizes this and is true
to its premise. The book won't completely take the place
of a developers kit from Be, Inc. itself, but it will get
you most of the way there.
(Ed Note: As of November 2001 BeOS - the Be operating
system - was sold to Palm Inc. Maybe it will show up in
a PDA one day? It's a very nice OS - lots of potential
and tons of great features.)
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