Sams Teach
Yourself TCP/IP in 24 Hours, 3rd Ed., ISBN 0-672-32565-9,
by Joe Casad
by: Songmuh
Jong, February 2004, send
by: Sams
Publishing, go
to the web site
Requires: N/A
MSRP: $24.99
is not exaggerating to say that networking is the
core of contemporary computing. Hardware vendors
are constantly improving the devices that make networking
easier. The complex wiring of old networks are gradually
being replaced by a cleaner wireless environment.
Software vendors are also striving to make networking
more effortless. Java's success is due in part to
its built-in networking capability. Transmission
Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is the
main collection of protocols understood by all computers
on all platform, including the Internet. This book
provides a concise introduction to this important
protocol suite and should be informative for hardware
support professionals as well as software developers.
As outlined in the book, TCP/IP is a collection
of complicated protocols with different implementations
from several vendors. The concept of subnetting and
routing is well presented. The new IPv6 protocol
is also discussed. In addition, the author discusses
protocols that are built on top of TCP/IP, such as
FTP, Remote Access, SMTP and HTML. Further, it touches
on what hackers want out of the protocols and the
TCP/IP security issues. The last Hour of the book
is based on a hypothetical networking guy coming
to his new job. Overall, the book follows a consistent
logic that is developed chapter by chapter.
The Q&A
sections nicely summarize each chapter's main topics
and keep readers focused. Some chapters provide
workshops that are very interesting and fully materialize
and teach the abstract concepts in the text. The Key Terms
section at the end of each chapter represents a nice collection
of glossaries which may help students prepare for exams.
Can you really learn TCP/IP in 24 hours? It probably depends
on individual background and motivation. A hardware support
professional who is new to the job will most likely devour
the topics much faster than other types of readers. Even
if you take the pace and spend an hour a day to study the
book, you'll learn TCP/IP in a short period of time.
Is this the only book you need for TCP/IP? You'll probably
need more resources to fully understand and master TCP/IP
and networking in general. Hardware professionals will
need another networking book and probably a routing book.
Software developers will need a language-specific book
for programming details. However, this is definitely a
book that deserves a space on your shelves.
Sams Teach Yourself TCP/IP in 24 Hours is a beginner's
guide to one of the most important networking protocol
suites. Any IT professional will benefit from reading this
book. Students preparing for exams will also benefit from
the concise format of this publication.
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