Sid Meier's
Alpha Centauri
by: Doug
Reed, send
by: Firaxis
Games, go
to the web site
Requires: Win95/98
or higher, Pentium133 or faster, 16 MB RAM, DirectX 6 or
higher compatible video card, 4x CD-ROM, 60MB Hard drive
MSRP: $42.95
who has played computer games has probably heard
of Sid Meier, but to us "old foggies" he
is a very familiar name indeed. Unlike John Carmack,
who has designed only action games, Sid has designed
a wide variety of titles (albeit mostly strategy
'tis true). Sid was once quoted as saying that the
most important question a designer should ask was "Is
it fun?" It sounds obvious - but so many game
designers get it wrong! Over the last decade and
a half, he has been responsible for such hits as
F-15 Strike Eagle, Mig Alley Ace, F-19 Stealth Fighter,
Pirates, Railroad Tycoon, Sid Meier's Gettsyburg,
and the one game practically everyone has heard of
- Civilization. With all deference to Doom fanatics,
Civilization is the greatest game yet created for
the personal computer. Civilization was updated a
few years ago by Brian Reynolds for more modern 486
and Pentium computers, but the basic game and engine
remained the same. Brian Reynolds and Sid Meier,
both of whom originally worked at Microprose, have
gone on to form Firaxis games and produce their own
titles. Alpha Centauri is the spiritual descendant
of Civilization and Civilization II, using a game
engine that is nearly identical in look and feel
to Civilization II. In fact, the game begins where
Civilization and Civilization II leave off - with
the arrival of a colony ship at a habitable world
circling the twin stars of Alpha Centauri.
If you've played Civilization and Civilization II, there
is a lot that will be familiar about Alpha Centauri, albeit
with different names. Barbarians are mind worms; energy is
credits; Wonders of the World are Secret Projects; all of
Alpha Centauri was obviously built from the foundation of
Civilization. There have been some noticeable changes, however,
especially in the areas of the interface, the automation
of your facilities, AI quality and most especially in terms
of those barbarians that keep popping up. If you're expecting
to just hop right in and start playing, think again. This
is not the Civilization (I or II) that you remember. New
technologies abound and the ability to design your own units
is a very nice touch. Diplomacy is much deeper and improved,
with AI providing a more interesting challenge than in previous
games. I've played the game, read the manual and looked at
Usenet posts - and I'm still finding more depth to Alpha
Centauri all the time. You can even customize particular
text files (and the designers tell you where to find them)
to provide yourself with an entirely new game.
Much has been made about the 'poor' quality of the Alpha
Centauri graphics engine, relative to current standards.
Yes, this is not up to the standards set by Total Annihilation,
but so what? Neither was Starcraft, and at least one on-line
mag gave Starcraft game of the year honors. It should be
noted that Alpha Centauri can be played on pretty much anything
above a Pentium 133, while Total Annihilation requires at
least a Pentium 166MMX. I personally like the graphic look
of Alpha Centauri and have a hard time understanding other
player's complaints. I should warn you, however - expect
Alpha Centauri to consume you even more so than did Civ or
Civ II. Why? Because even if you think you've mastered the
single player game, you can still go online and bash human
opponents. Yes, that's right, unlike Civ or Civ II, Alpha
Centauri comes multiplayer enabled right out of the box (and
Microprose just released the multiplayer version of Civ II!).
Multiplayer can be played on a LAN or the Internet and can
be played using either simultaneous turns or ugoigo (that's
You go, I go to you non-wargamers). You can even use your
microphone to send nasty little comments to your enemies!
Hotseat play was not originally included, but has been since
added in a feature enhancement that you can download.
The automation in Alpha Centauri is incredible. You can
automate everything in the game, including the governors
of your cities, military units and terraformers (Alpha Centauri's
equivalent of Settlers). What makes it special is the degree
to which you can control the automation. Firaxis claims it
is the most sophisticated automation yet and I think they
are right. You can dictate to governors which areas to focus
on and then further control what they build and how they
spend energy. Terraformers can be fully automated or automated
to produce certain improvements (and even to just help their
own home base).
Another nifty trick is that besides the seven possible factions
you can play, there is an eighth opponent - the planet itself
(the only stupid thing in Alpha Centauri is the planet's
name - Planet. Couldn't ya do better, Sid?) The planet is
'alive' and reacts to your intrusion - the greater the injury,
the greater the response. Mindworms and xenofungus are a
plague, at least until you figure out how to control them.
On the other hand, take a green approach to things and the
planet will also respond - in a positive fashion. Weather
is a factor, to a certain extent - you can pollute too much,
resulting in global warming and melting of the ice caps.
Beware this happening because your colonies can quickly wind
up underwater!
are a number of ways to win as well, from defeating everyone
to being
elected Supreme Leader or achieving "transcendence".
In a bow to other Sid Meier classics, resigning the game
gives you a score and ranks you with humorous book titles
you might publish as a result of your stature. And as I mentioned
before, just about every aspect of Alpha Centauri can be
Alpha Centauri was the early front-runner for game of the
year, a title it eventually won. It's the penultimate turn-based
strategy game from the masters of game design. Try it. You
won't be sorry.
to the Editor are welcome and occasionally abused in public.
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