Heavy Gear
by: Matt
Carson, send
by: AcTiVision, go
to the web site
Requires: 3-D
Hardware Accelerator, 166MHz Pentium® Processor (233MHz
recommended), 100% Windows® 95/98-compatible computer
system, 32-bit drivers for CD-ROM drive (quad speed or higher;
Redbook audio support), video card, sound card and input
devices, English language Windows(R) 95 or 98 operating system,
64MB RAM, 450MB of uncompressed hard disk space for game
files, plus 80MB for the Windows swap file, 100% DirectX
6.1 or higher compatible sound card, and 100% Microsoft-compatible
mouse and driver
MSRP: $39.95
Gear II is an interesting blend of the Action and
Sim genres that should not be missed by anyone who
likes fighting with and controlling huge robots,
but found the Mechwarrior games to be too complicated.
Heavy Gear II was originally scheduled for release
just before Christmas 1998, but technical issues
kept the software off store shelves until June 1999.
This very popular strategy/shooter has taken a bit
of time to gain its current, large base of fans mainly
due to its heavy-duty hardware demands.
soon as I slipped the Heavy Gear II CD into my drive, I knew
I was looking at an AcTiVision game. The autorun brought me
to a start-up screen that had (true to AcTiVision form) the
name of the game in huge block letters, a selection of options,
and the obligatory military march music in the background.
As I hit the install button, I laughed out loud. Superimposed
behind the little progress bar were screen shots from the
game, which instantly triggered memories of the almost identical
Mechwarrior installer. If you've got a good thing going, you
stay with it I guess. I was running a Pentium 233MMX, 64 MB
of RAM, and ATI's 128-bit All-in-Wonder PCI (32MB). The intro
movie was quite well done, and did a good job of setting the
stage for the game.
is a war to fight. Earth is once again on the offensive, trying
to quell its rebellious interstellar settlements known as
Terra Nova. Having destroyed one of the colonies' largest
cities with a fusion bomb, Earth is now preparing a full offensive
from the Gate World of Caprice. To meet the invasion head-on,
Terra Nova has called a cease-fire in the Interpolar War between
the Confederated Northern City-States and Allied Southern
Territories, and assembled its best Gear pilots from around
the system to create an elite special forces Gear unit. Behind
enemy lines on Caprice, this unit must gather intelligence,
seek out and destroy enemy squads and installations, and discover
the true nature of this massive invasion. You are the commander
of this Special Ops Unit, leading squads of four through each
of the game's single-player missions.
Upon loading the game and starting the tutorial I was astounded!
And as I continued playing, it was continually the terrain
and weather effects that impressed me the most. The terrain
was well done in general, and the water effects, such as reflections,
were fantastic. As for the weather, not only is there vision-obscuring
fog, and dangerously interactive lightning (I was hit twice),
but the weather that you would assume to be a heavy load on
your CPU, such as heavy raining and snow, didn't seem to affect
the frame rate at all. The thunderstorms were especially nice:
three or four times I caught myself squinting at my computer
screen, trying to see through the rain to an enemy encampment,
and nearly jumping out of my seat when a lightning bolt struck
close to me.
Heavy Gear II you don't pilot huge robot BattleMechs a la
Mechwarrior, you pilot "Gears", which are basically
the same thing, only smaller. I was extremely impressed with
the movement of the Gears. There was no blocky clipping of
knee joints or unrealistic jumps. In Mechwarrior, the 'Mechs
often look clunky and overbalanced when walking. The Gears
however, move with quick long strides and natural looking
torso twisting, and there is no clipping of the model or the
surroundings. In all fairness (to game buyers that is) Heavy
Gear II is what Mechwarrior should have been. In Mechwarrior,
the control interface is clumsy at best. Trying to get up
to combat speed whilst picking a target and twisting your
torso to face it, as well as actually hitting the thing with
your weapons, is an activity reserved for those lucky people
born with three hands and seven fingers on each. The Heavy
Gear II interface on the other hand is a scaled-down, almost
arcade-like version of the same Mechwarrior controls. The
controls are simple and well laid out, with the most vital
ones centered around the numeric keypad, which conveniently
control the movement of your Gear. The mouse lets you move
the torso of your gear independently of the legs, and controls
weapon switching and firing. If you suddenly see an enemy
unit on radar, and you want to a) switch to passive radar
mode to avoid detection, or b) lie down to avoid detection
even more, and c) switch to a long range weapon and zoom in
on a target, you can do all these things in 3 seconds, without
turning your hand into an interesting looking origami animal.
thing that hit me was the actual A.I. of the enemies and my
squad mates. Many a Mechwarrior mission (among other games)
has come and gone where I have ordered my squad to attack
a target and found them trying to shoot through a mountain
to get at it. Problems like this have obviously been addressed
in the making of Heavy Gear II, and the A.I. routines have
been coded so as to make your squad use all the weapons at
their disposal in eliminating a target, as well as retreating
if overwhelmed. They also actually obey their orders(!!),
and the path finding routines are very good. They almost never
become stuck in one place, and when they do, can usually find
their way out of wherever they're stuck by themselves. Also,
the annoying trait of squad mates running into each other
(as in the first Heavy Gear) has been eliminated.
the control and game play of Heavy Gear II is really what
Mechwarrior should have been. So, if you are one of those
hard core simulation jockeys who never really got into Mechwarrior
because of its steep learning curve, or just a guy like me
who thinks giant robots battling each other is extremely cool,
this just might be the game for you. Recommended.
to the Editor are welcome and occasionally abused in public.
Send e-mail to: whine@kickstartnews.com
