Language Adventure – The Kidnap Caper
by: Lianne
Reitter, October 2004, send
by: Kutoka, go
to the web site
Requires: Pentium
II, Windows 98 through XP, DirectX 8.1; Mac OS X 10.2,
G3/400MHz, 128MB RAM, a 12X CD ROM Drive and 300MB free
hard drive space
MSRP: US$24.00
one is for the kids, boys and girls, and it’s great.
You may remember Kutoka, the company that brought us Didi & Ditto,
those colorful beaver siblings. The Didi & Ditto series
is terrific, but Kutoka’s main claim to fame is another
series of learning games surrounding Mia, a mouse, and
her friends. Mia, is one smart mouse and along with taking
your children on terrific adventures, she'll teach them
either French or Spanish along the way.
In “The
Kidnap Caper” we see Mia and the gang celebrating
Grandma Mimi’s win at an Art contest. Suddenly, the
lights go out and everyone panics. There are scuffling
sounds heard, and when the lights come back on, Grandma
Mimi is gone. She has been kidnapped! But by whom? And
why? The obvious choice would be to suspect Mia’s
arch rival, Romain, but he and his entourage (including
one fine looking rat named Athwart) stand among the shocked
as Mia, it is your job to travel through the game (Mia’s
house and garden), find the clues and rescue Grandma from
the dastardly no-goodniks who have taken her. But that’s
not the only purpose to the Kutoka brand—as game
producers for children they are determined to teach you
a thing or two as well. At certain parts of the game you
are challenged with word games teaching you a few words
in either French or Spanish; you choose which language
you want your child to learn at the beginning of the game.
My first challenge was a 12 word spelling & match-the-word-to-the-picture
game. It brought back memories of grade 5 French class:
porte, chaise, boîte, lit, all everyday words that
kids are familiar with; door, chair, box and bed in this
case. There are three levels of difficulty to choose from
so your child can benefit from the game’s lessons
if this is their first time hearing a new language or if
they only need the lessons in spelling and grammar. While
the lessons cover both vocabulary and sentence structure,
they are meant as an introduction only, and include the
words for animals, food, family and everyday objects. It's
all quite well done and your child is sure to impress you
as the game progresses.
best things about this game are Mia’s crazy
character friends, the rich 3 dimensional graphics and
great game play. These three elements combine to make the
game an engaging experience and just the thing that will
keep the kids working at the lessons.
Language Adventure - The Kidnap Caper is rated for boys
and girls, ages 6 to 10 and is best experienced
with a parent at their side. It will keep the kids entertained
and learning at the same time. If you like The Kidnap Caper,
you'll also like Mia’s other adventures, The Search
for Grandma’s Remedy, Romaine’s New Hat and
Just in Time. All of Kutoka's software is available online
through Kutoka’s
home page. While you're there, let the kids have some
fun at Kutoka’s activity
page. This was fun.
Highly recommended.
Letters to the Editor are welcome and occasionally abused in public. Send e-mail to: whine@kickstartnews.com
