Star Trek
Armada II
by: Michael
Gallo, send
by: ActiVision, go
to the web site
Doc Software: go
to the site
Requires: Pentium/Athlon
300MHz, Win95/98/2K/ME, 64 MB RAM, 900MB Hard drive space,
DirectX 8.0a, DirectX 8MB 3D video card, 16 bit sound card,
4X CD-ROM, mouse, keyboard
MSRP: $39.99
Borg are back and it's up to you to save the Federation
from new and deadly assimilation weapons. The Borg
and all of your other favorite aliens including the
Cardassians, Ferengi, Romulans, Species 8472 (encountered
in Star Trek Voyager) and of course the Klingons,
are waiting for you in Star Trek Armada II. You are
in control of Starfleet resources which includes
star bases, Starfleet ships, ship yards, mining stations,
orbital processing facilities, and other numerous
federation battle assets and support resources. You
can also play as one of the other races (except the
Ferengi) if you prefer.
But hold
on cadet. Before you can order a fleet of Defiant class vessels
to destroy the Borg nexus, you have to build your fleet! Star
Trek Armada II is a real-time game strategy game. As the name
implies, real-time games are not turn based. There is constant
action to monitor. You must be vigilant or you'll soon find
yourself watching your newly minted fleet of ships reduced
to incinerated rubble. You're responsible for mining metal,
gathering Dilithium crystals, populating Class-M planets for
future crews, conducting trade for Latinum, and finally for
building your fleet at Starfleet shipyards.
You won't
find much information on game play in the user manual. Instead
of reading boring prose, you can undergo some Starfleet training
through the multimedia tutorial that is built into the game.
I loved this! I really felt like I was a young cadet undergoing
training to fulfill my missions. The tutorial provides a thorough
walkthrough of the user interface, gathering resources, as
well as creating and controlling ships and fleets. The tutorial
adds to the Star Trek 'realism' experience. Familiar voices
from the Star Trek series (including Patrick Stewart - Captain
Jean Luc Picard) are included in the game. I also thought
it was very neat that each new mission opens like the beginning
of a Star Trek: The Next Generation episode. Patrick Stewart
adds a verbal entry to his log to introduce us to the mission
at hand including the 'title' of the mission. I like this
small stuff and it really added to the appeal of the game.
I tested
the game on a 1.4GHz Pentium 4 with 256MB ram and an nVidia
GeForce2 32MB video card. I ran the game in 1,600 x 1,200
resolution in 32 bit color. The game ran fine and graphics
looked very nice. I did find the map scrolling to be a bit
sluggish at higher resolutions. The maps used for each mission
are larger than your screen and therefore require scrolling.
To be fair, the game offers a smaller view of the map in the
corner for quickly jumping around the bigger map. I found
the game to be stable with no crashes on my Windows Me machine.
All in
all, I'd say Star Trek Armada II is a pleasant gaming experience.
There are a lot of neat special weapons on the Starfleet ships
including (my favorite) a special torpedo that hits multiple
enemy ships and grows in power with each successive enemy
hit. I did find that the game play got monotonous after some
time because I felt like I was being reduced to merely clicking
to build ships sending them off, then building more. That's
because, realistically, there's no practical way to manually
manage a large number of ships using a fine degree of control.
Consequently, the game offers some autonomy control options
so that ships are free to act on their own in accordance with
the general orders you have issued to them. I guess what I'm
saying is that if you're an Admiral you'll like this game
for its command and control aspects to game play. If you're
a Captain, you'll not get as much pleasure because it doesn't
offer a rich single ship play. That's not the fault of the
game; you just need to know what you like to play.
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