The Dark Project
by: Doug Reed, send
by: Looking Glass Studios, go
to the web site
Requires: P-200
(w/o a 3D card) or P-166 (w/ 3D card), 32MB RAM, Win 95/98,
4x CDROM, 60 MB Hard drive space
MSRP: US$49.95
Trek Bridge Commander is the first comprehensive
space simulation set in the Next Generation universe
and it puts you in command of your own Starfleet
starship and crew. Are you ready to take the Con?
Totally Games, the developer, claims to be taking
us where no one has gone before. Now where have I
heard that line before? Just kidding. Star Trek Bridge
Commander has been designed to integrate all elements
of starship internal & external controls/systems,
navigation, battle and armaments and even some crew
The Dark Project is a first-person role-playing game (RPG)
by Looking Glass, the same company that produced System Shock
and the Ultima Underworld series (also successful first-person
RPGs). I stress the term RPG here rather than call Thief
a first- person shooter (FPS a la Quake II) because if
you approach
Thief as an action game you are in for a big disappointment.
In this game you play a thief, and your weapons are restricted
to those of a true thief from the middle ages - bow, blackjack
and sword. Your attacks are best executed from behind and
you have to move quickly and silently. If a guard cries out,
is lost. Looking Glass has wrapped this premise with a compelling
story line and beautifully eerie and dark graphics, creating
an incredible experience (I can hardly call it a game, for
to compare it to Monopoly does justice to neither). If you
want to experience true role-playing as it was envisioned
with the first release of Dungeons & Dragons back in
the 70s, Thief is as close as you can get with a PC.
The story is told through mostly static cut-scenes, rather
than movies or live-action, but this makes it even more compelling
and adds to the medieval feel. You are Garrett, a former
Keeper who has turned his talents towards robbery. The game
features a total of twelve missions, seemingly not very many
but then again the missions are all fairly long. At least
initially, your goal is to steal jewels and money from fat
merchants to fill your own treasure chest. Naturally, this
involves quite a bit of sneaking about, and you will quickly
become a master at sneaking around in the shadows. Light
and sound, therefore, play an integral part in the game.
Looking Glass apparently understood this very well, because
the game looks and sounds fantastic. I doubt seriously that
I've seen a better looking first-person game, and I've played
almost all of them. The feeling of being in a medieval setting
is very strong.
The interface can be broken down into two parts, the heads-up-
display (HUD) and the keyboard. The HUD displays your health,
any objects you are currently using or carrying (including
weapons), air supply (should you find yourself swimming)
and a visibility gem. The visibility gem is a summation of
the sound you are making combined with how visible you are;
the brighter the gem the easier guards can see you. The keyboard
layout is one of the most intricate and extensive of any
first-person game, rivaling that of many flight simulators.
Because moving and turning, you can lean around corners.
Your talents include picking locks, setting flash bombs,
and laying down mines. A variety of potions can improve your
health, and you also have a wide variety of arrows for your
bow. The only bad part of the interface is that while you
can use the mouse, joystick support is very poor (it can
only function in a manner similar to a mouse). So my poor
Assassin 3D/Sidewinder Pro combo sat unused while I did my
review - which is too bad, because Thief really cries out
for joysticks like the Assassin, with multiple buttons. Ah
game will astound you with the amount of detail and
thought that went into the story. For example, to start
the game you proceed through 'training' that teaches you
how to stay in shadows, minimize the noise you make, and
use your bow and sword. But the game really shows its depth
in the first mission. You are attempting to break into the
house of a merchant and steal a valuable trinket. To get
in, you have to sneak around to the well house, knock out
the guard (without raising an alarm) and use his key to get
into the well house and through the underground entrance
into the merchant's house. Sneaking around behind the guard
isn't much of a problem (he's drunk) and knocking him out
isn't terribly difficult. You can then easily remove the
key and get into the well house. But what about the unconscious
guard? If you leave him sprawled in the street, someone might
see him and raise the alarm! So Looking Glass put this into
the game - leave that unconscious guard there and the alarm
could be raised. Instead, you can pick up the guard and move
his body out of sight. Of course, the fact that he is missing
might be enough to raise the alarm...You get the idea, I
hope - Thief is a wonderfully intricate game.
Poor joystick support. Keyboard chart that rivals that
of most flight simulators.
Beautiful graphics and well-executed sound, crucial to
the premise of the game. Engaging story line and eerie
environment make for an extremely compelling role-playing
experience. A novel approach to the first person genre
where being quiet and smart takes a front-seat to the mayhem.
to the Editor are welcome and occasionally abused in public.
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