for PalmOS
by: Lianne
Reitter, send
by: Handmark, go
to the web site
Requires: Palm
OS 3.5 or higher; Handspring Treo 180, Treo 270, Treo
300, Treo 90, Visor Series, Kyocera 6035, 7135; Palm
i705, III Series, m100, m105, m125, m130, m500, m505,
m515, TungstenC, Tungsten T, Tungsten W, V Series, VII
Series, Zire, Zire 71; Samsung I300, I330; Sony Clie
N Series, NR Series, NX Series, NZ Series, S Series,
SL/SJ Series, T Series, TG Series
MSRP: US$19.99
with more than 50 Million games sold each year, you more
than likely know what Yahtzee is. For those who don't,
Yahtzee is a dice game reportedly invented by a rich Canadian
couple back in the 1950's, who needed some form of entertainment
for the friends they invited onto their Yacht - as if tooling
around lake Ontario wasn't enough.
The original
game is simple enough. All you need are five dice, a score
card and a sharp pencil (with a sharpener - this game is
addictive and any pencil will be dull in no time). Roll
the dice as many as three times, removing those die you
don’t want to include in rolls two and three, and
count your score for that turn. There are 13 different
categories that you can score in, but you can only record
one score in each category. The object of the game is to
score the highest total. The game is over when all the
players have scored each of the 13 categories. The first
six categories are how many ones, twos, threes, fours,
fives and sixes you roll. Categories 7 – 12 include
three of a kind, four of a kind, full house, small straight,
large straight, and your best roll that doesn't fit into
any of the above - it's called Chance. So, as an example,
if in your three rolls of the die you turned up four sixes,
you could either score the "sixes" category as
24, or the "Four of a Kind" category as the 24,
plus whatever the fifth die turned over as. Turn up five
of a kind and you’ve got the Yahtzee, the big kahuna,
the grand poobah of die rolls - give yourself a big 50
points. Yeah, it"s addictive all right, but a lousy
game if your yacht(!?) hits bad weather!
But wait
a second, this ain't your father's Yahtzee! This is Yahtzee
for your PDA. Yahtzee has gone purely portable. And we
- the PDA people - we don’ need no steenkin’ pencils
As with most
offerings from Handmark the installation of Yahtzee goes
off without a hitch and after you have
launched the program and given your self a cool handle,
you are playing Yahtzee. The interface is dead simple.
The score card is to the left, and the five die are arranged
along the right hand side of the screen with a big button
marked "Roll" at the bottom. Hit that roll button
and watch the 3D die do their electronic dance and then
settle into their final positions. Ah, only two die are
what you were looking for? No problem, just click on the
die you want to keep as is, and they will reverse colour
and freeze during your second and third roll. Once all
three rolls are done, if three were even necessary (you
can score at any time after the first roll), click on the
category that gets you the highest score. At all times
you have to watch the dice carefully to take advantage
of the tough scores, and like most card and dice games,
it is usually tough to fill an inside straight.
Fill up your
card with your scores in all 13 categories, and Yahtzee
will congratulate you on your high score. Well,
it’s your first score, so of course it’s also
your highest. But fear not, this game is so addictive that
you will see that high score message many more times. In
fact you may start to yearn for it. We tested Yahtzee on
a Sony Clie PEG-N760C, a Palm Zire 71 and a Handspring
Visor Prism. The game worked flawlessly on three PDAs -
smooth dice rolls, quick response to category taps and
reasonably fast menu access.
The one thing
you might think is missing from this game is the ability
to play with all your friends. Maybe you
don’t have a yacht, but you have a bus buddy at least
and he has a PDA too. So, from the start screen click on "Host".
Choose from an Infrared, Bluetooth or Internet connection
and send an invitation to the player name of your bus buddy.
Once your buddy has accessed the same start screen, clicked
on "Join" and follow the simple instructions
(like "Line up your IR ports" in the case of
an Infrared connection) and you two are Yahtzeeing! You
could even invite several bus buddies to play - the game
supports multiple players. Careful now, you may miss your
stop because only those who have Yahtzeed know the joy
of Yahtzeeing, and how wonderfully addictive a game of
chance it really is. Highly recommended.
Letters to the Editor are welcome and occasionally abused in public. Send e-mail to: whine@kickstartnews.com
