of Games 1.0
by: Bruce
Darken, send
by: Zillions
Requires: Pentium
90 or faster, Windows 95/98 or higher, CD-ROM drive, modem
or network interface card for on-line play, sound card and
speakers, 16 or 24-bit color recommended but only VGA with
16 colors is required
MSRP: $29.95
zillion games for 33 bucks? Well, yes. The dictionary
says that a zillion is an extremely large, indeterminate
number, and that's what you get with Zillions of Games--292
games to start with, growing to... Who knows? Right
now that number is 390, and it goes up nearly every
of Games is a fascinating product, using a powerful
universal gaming engine to allow you to play any
game or solve any puzzle for which a rules file has
been written. Not only that, but if you're at all
skilled at programming you can change the rules files
to your heart's content or even create your own and
post them on the Zillions web site for all to download
and enjoy (or tear their hair out over). |
If you're
really into exciting, in-your-face action games, you're
not going to like Zillions. But if you enjoy board
games and puzzles, you'll get hours of enjoyment from this
program. It doesn't really come with 292 games, but 292 variations
of games: 58 varieties of Chess, five Checkers, 3 Chinese
Checkers, 23 Tic-Tac-Toe, four 9 Men's Morris, eight Go-Moku,
44 Solitaire puzzles (not card games), etc., in addition
to a wide variety of games for which there are only one or
two variations. I'd lost interest in Tic-Tac-Toe many years
ago, but the many variations in Zillions make it fun again!
non-solitaire games, you can choose to play with a friend
using just one computer, with a friend and two computers
(Internet TCP/IP, Lan IPX/SPX, direct modem connection or
serial connection), or against the computer if you're playing
alone. (I don't know anyone else with the game, and the times
I checked the on-line Zillions chat to challenge a cyber
opponent there was nobody else in the chat room, so I was
unable to test the use of two computers).
quality of the computer's play can be changed to suit your
whims by
varying the Strength, (how deeply
it searches for the best move - from Pushover to Expert),
the Variety (how well it chooses the best move
from the moves it has found), and the Thinking Time
Per Move (from one second to infinity or to match the
length of time you took for your last move). If you give
the computer as much time as it wants, you
can always click the Move Now button to force
it to quit 'thinking' and
make its move. Though you can change the quality of the computer
play, it still seems a bit weak for some games and a bit
strong for others, both of which frustrated my daughters
(10 and 13 years old). I found most games I tried to be suitably
challenging and the updates from the Zillions web site contain
game tweaks as well as bug fixes and new games. I didn't
any game or computer crashes/freezes during my testing.
game interface is well suited for those who like to
learn, then master a new game. In one pane it creates
a log of all moves, so you can look back to see what you
did and when you did it, allowing multiple undo's, redo's,
and restarts, and it gives hints if you request them. It
will also allow you to return to a particular point in your
game and resume play from there. You can choose to have sounds
and animations accompany the moves and one of the few included
midi files will play continuously in the background until
you get tired of it and turn it off. I wished there were
a way to choose the midi file to play or to direct the program
to a directory on your hard drive from which it could choose
a random file. You could, of course, change
the tunes by pasting in the midi files of your choice with
the appropriate default names (remembering to rename or move
the original midi files first!).
program installation was a joy - one of the best and easiest
installations I've ever done. It even detected that
I was using an older version of DirectX and offered to
update it (needed only for online
choose a minimal
install the program only adds a couple of drivers to your
hard drive, and if you choose a complete install (CD no
for play) it still only takes up 17Mb of your precious hard
drive space. The games' rules files are very small, so when
you download new games from the web site each ZIP file is
transferred almost instantly (assuming the game uses images
and sounds already part of the Zillions package). The Zillions
web site is impressive too (not flashy), for its depth
and breadth
of support, including new games and instructions for installing
them, program updates, rules file programming instructions,
a FAQ, troubleshooting guide and links to other gaming sites.
It's also the place to go to purchase the program, because
Zillions of Games isn't available in any store or from
any other mail order
or online vendor.
As if the fun you'll have playing over 300 games that don't
crash your computer and don't empty your wallet isn't enough,
Zillions is also educational, with a brief history and background
of every game, not to mention exercising and pumping up your
brain through the use of logic, strategy, clarity of thought
and memory.
you know that gaming guru John Scarne made up a game, Teeko,
that was popular in the 1950s, and predicted it would
someday pass Chess and Checkers in popularity? Ever hear
of it? Me neither. But now, through the power of your computer,
Zillions of Games and a quick download from the web, you
can play Joe DiMaggio's 'real passion', Teeko, in the comfort
of your own home. (Didn't DiMaggio have a 56 game Teeko winning
to the Editor are welcome and occasionally abused in public.
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