Designer 9
by: Howard Carson, send
by: Corel Corporation, go
to the web site
Requires: Pentium
II/200MHz or faster, Windows 98/NT 4.0 (SP3 or higher)/2000/Me/XP,
64MB RAM (128MB for Windows XP), 200 MB available hard disk
space, CD-ROM drive, minimum 16-bit (800 x 600) color display,
mouse or tablet
MSRP: US$469
(upgrade $229.00)
Designer 9 seems to be a happy marriage between the
Corel Picture Publisher image editing software and
the drawing and creative functionality of the Corel
Designer software. If the software title is unfamiliar
to you it's probably because Corel has not had a long
marketing run-up for the product - at least not the
run-up boasted by Corel Draw and other older titles
in the Corel stable. Corel acquired Picture Publisher
and Designer from Micrografix. They were Micrografix's
leading products, with a solid track record in design
shops, technical illustration companies and ad/marketing
agencies. Corel appears to be after more of the same
While Designer 9 isn't a huge upgrade in terms of new features,
there are some key additions which really help this version
stand out. The added ability to import AutoCAD 2000 DXF and
DWG files (and retain most of the layout data in those documents)
seems to move Designer 9 into a very versatile position.
Designer 9 now lets you export files as PDFs. That means
sharing documents in read-only format is very much easier
than it used to be. In addition to DXF, DWG and PDF files,
Designer 9 now also exports to Macromedia Flash files (SWF).
If you're into vector graphic animation, Designer 9 is yet
another powerful tool which should be placed on your radar.
So what's it like to use Designer 9? To start with, a boring
Windows-like user interface (UI) confronts you. I've never
liked this approach to UI design, but with millions of graphic
artists, photo editors, professionals and amateurs using
Micrografix and Corel products, my opinion is apparently
not widely shared. Personal UI complaints aside, users of
other technical illustration products will recognize how
to navigate the software without much trouble. If you're
temporarily moving over from Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator,
it will take a few days to get used to finding things in
different places. The online help was of significant benefit
I've been using
Adobe Illustrator for years, so doing actual working tests
with Corel Designer 9 was a bit of a chore,
until one of my vastly more talented friends dropped by to
find out what I was working on. When he saw Designer 9, he
basically took over my computer and played with Designer
9 for at least two hours. This friend is a well-known designer
who works under contract for a variety of large machine shops,
architects and design houses. He pronounced "PDF, DXF,
DWG, SWF handling are all good! Nice." The end result
of two hours work was a satisfied "grumphh!" and
a resounding "not bad" and some interesting output
in PDF. I got my money's worth out of the guy too because
all of the output was project work for technical drawings
and analyses for research documents we're producing. I love
it when a (sneaky) plan comes together. I also learned quickly
that Adobe Illustrator and Corel Designer are really in different
product categories.
I'm an amateur
at technical illustration software. I have to use it out
of self-defense (I just can't afford to pay
contractors for every single project). But I've got an opinion
nonetheless about some Designer 9 features which really stand
out. First and foremost, Designer 9 is a precision technical
drawing tool. The ability to do precise measurements is as
good as anything else on the market. The 2D tools are great,
especially the warp and extrusion controls. I also like the
method of annotating documents - very necessary when sending
technical files to other researchers for analysis. Since
most of the output in our research offices is PostScript,
Designer's solid level 2, 3 & EPS support is very welcome.
I also like the Object Explorer, which makes it really easy
to find specific objects deeply buried in complex documents.
Cons: The printed manual is somewhat of a waste of time.
It's long on telling you about all the things you can do
with Designer 9, but exceedingly short on explanations. Not
good. The software is unlikely to attract current Freehand
or Corel Draw users.
Pros: The new export file formats are a huge upgrade and
since the file exports appear to be very good, the functionality
is extremely useful as well. Kudos for this. If you're already
using Designer, this is a worthwhile upgrade. Recommended.
(Ed. Note: Designer 10 is now available - a few more features,
same price as v9)
to the Editor are welcome and occasionally abused in public.
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