2 / Fireworks 2 Studio
by: Doug Reed, send
by: Macromedia, go
to the web site
MSRP: US$399.00
(Ed Note: As of April 2003 Dreamweaver & Fireworks
are available separately or in the Dreamweaver MX
designing a web site, the software that you use
can make all the difference in the world. This
is especially true for large sites, or sites requiring
constant updating and maintenance. Macromedia has
combined their premiere web site design software,
Dreamweaver 2, with their web graphics software
program Fireworks 2 into a comprehensive web design
and creation tool. The combination of these two
tools allows a webmaster to quickly and easily
design graphics in Fireworks 2, then adds the graphics
to a web site being designed in Dreamweaver 2.
For those seeking to do professional web site development,
this package is worthy of serious consideration. |
The software comes on two CDs with a manual for each package;
installation of both is done easily and quickly. In addition
to Dreamweaver 2 and Fireworks 2, the enclosed CDs include
a copy of Homesite 4.0 (in case you want to do your HTML
coding by hand instead of WYSIWYG). For this review I did
not test the functions of Homesite 4.0, mostly because I
didn't see the point - Dreamweaver 2 also allows you to directly
edit HTML code rather than forcing you into a WYSIWYG only
mode. The manual for Dreamweaver 2 is quite large and comprehensive,
while the manual for Fireworks 2 is a bit on the skimpy side
in comparison.
Dreamweaver 2
Frontpage, Dreamweaver can work in an offline mode that
does not require the installation of
a web server on your computer. The tutorial in the manual
is worth going through to give you a good idea of how to
use the interface and where various commands lie. You are
presented with a number of windows, one of which is the
page you are currently working on and another is the directory
containing the web site you are working on. A toolbar on
the left provides access to most 'basic' web page elements
for designing a page, while pull-down menus provide the
of the tools and utilities. Clicking on an element on the
page brings up another small window just below the page
window, listing attributes and properties of the element
you selected.
Here you can alter font properties, set hyperlinks, or
(in the case of images) provide alternate text. Dreamweaver
has full support for Cascading Style Sheets, as well as
for DHTML effects (like mouse rollovers).
Dreamweaver uses a proprietary "Roundtrip
HTML" to allow you to drag and drop elements to place
them on the page where you want them. What this means is
that you can create effects not easy to do with HTML (like
a title overlaying an image) and Dreamweaver 2 will generate
the necessary code (via positioning elements, ala CSS-P)
to create the look you want. A very powerful web page designer
is coupled with an equally powerful web site manager. Dreamweaver
2 has a wide variety of tools that can perform a number of
management chores, including a site map, linkage analysis,
multi-file find and replace, and the use of 'templates' for
web pages that share common elements. Dreamweaver 2 is extraordinarily
powerful and - even better - easy to use. I am still discovering
new things that I can do with the program; for example reading
the manual for this review uncovered the ability to validate
your HTML code. Wow!
It's a
graphics design and editing program geared towards designing
for the web. As such, it
is primarily geared towards three file formats - jpeg,
and png (especially png). It is not as powerful as Photoshop,
but for most web designers it is more than powerful enough.
The interface is fairly typical - graphics toolbar on the
left, file/program toolbar on the bottom, and various panels
on the right side of the screen. All of your basic graphics
design tools are here, as are most of the effects that
you can perform on your design. The program loads quickly
easily, and the menus & tools allow you to quickly
generate graphics for web pages. These can then be imported
into Dreamweaver
2 for use on your web site.
The only fault I can find with the whole package comes
with Fireworks 2. As is increasingly common these days with
new graphics design packages, Fireworks 2 allows you to create
web 'effects' (such as mouse rollovers) with a graphics file
you are designing in Fireworks 2. Figuring out how to do
it in Fireworks 2 is not easy; in fact, I'm still not sure
that I entirely understand it. What I do understand, however,
is that it is easy to do it in Dreamweaver 2. So I would
recommend using Fireworks 2 to design your graphics and then
Dreamweaver 2 to create your special effects. I don't want
to fault the software too much here - I think part of the
blame lies on the skimpy manual, which doesn't even begin
to do the program justice. And a surprisingly skimpy manual
at that, compared to the much bulkier manual for Dreamweaver
2! A trip to Amazon.com to find a good book on Fireworks
2 might be in order.
Dreamweaver 2 / Fireworks 2 Studio is a powerful software
package for those who are interested
in professional web design or who need a package that
can easily be used for the management and development of
a large web site. Dreamweaver
2 is very impressive and contains everything you can possibly
imagine when it comes to designing web pages or maintaining
a web site. For Dreamweaver 2 alone the price would be worth
it. Fireworks 2 is a competent graphics design program, well
geared towards designing web graphics. While it won't replace
Photoshop on a graphics designer's computer, it is more than
sufficient for the requirements of most webmasters. Don't
believe me? Macromedia has full-featured demo versions that
you can download and try out for thirty days. Thumbs up from
to the Editor are welcome and occasionally abused in public.
Send e-mail to: whine@kickstartnews.com
