by: Howard
Carson & Lianne Reitter,
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by: @Last
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400 MHz processor, Windows 98, NT4.0 w/SP3, 2000, XP or later
(you must be logged on as Administrator to install on NT,
2000, and XP), 64MB RAM, 20MB free disk space; mouse, pen,
etc., Internet Explorer 4.0 or later; 3D accelerated graphics
card that supports OpenGL and 800 x 600 resolution
drawings, sketches, idea scribbles and storyboards are all
important during the creation and modification of things -
almost all things. Typical business meetings these days always
seem to require a white board, erasable markers, lots of charting
and sketching and so on. Fast forward out of the boardroom
into an engineering, construction, landscaping, home design
or architectural environment and the ability to communicate
concepts and constructs becomes somewhat problematic - especially
where meetings with customers, PR flacks and marketing types
are involved. Enter SketchUp.
is a 3D drawing tool first and foremost. What @Last Software
has managed to do however is create a 3D drawing program which
allows thought and concept to follow the path of least resistance
in order to hit the computer screen or the printed page quickly.
Nice idea.
tested SketchUp on a Hewlett Packard Pavilion 8575c Pentium
III/550MHz running Windows XP Professional, 320MB RAM, with
an ATI All-In-Wonder Rage 128 16MB graphics card. There were
no installation problems. Screen rendering, rotation and scaling
within SketchUp were smooth enough and trouble-free, with
the ATI card and driver providing the stable OpenGL support
preferred by SketchUp.
feature and function set in SketchUp is not up to the massive
standard set by AutoCAD and its competitors, but we found
even the notion of such a comparison irrelevant. SketchUp
is not meant to take the place of AutoCAD. Rather, SketchUp
is designed to be fast, straightforward and vastly easier
to use for quick idea visualization. In fact, SketchUp works
as advertised. I don't know of another 3D drawing tool which
is as easy to use and as similarly robust as SketchUp. After
running through a couple of the excellent video tutorials
supplied with SketchUp, I was creating 3D drawings on screen
and in print at a pace which surprised me.
sitting through a few 10 minute tutorials, it took only about
another 10 minutes to create a multi-room house complete with
furniture, doors, windows, entrances and a yard full of picnic
tables, trees, shrubs and so on. It was a matter of two or
three mouse clicks after that to create a complete full motion
presentation of the creation, starting with an aerial shot
and gradually zooming in and around the house exterior, then
through the front door and into each of the rooms. Absolutely
end result of your first effort is bound to be somewhat draftsman-like
in appearance. Use the Preferences dialog to turn your piece
into a real sketch. There are settings to extend edges, remove
colors and so on. Shadows and lighting are retained except
in wireframe mode.
- professionals, amateurs, hobbyists - who need or want to
sketch by hand and who feel that full-blown CAD programs are
too unwieldy for quick execution, should definitely enjoy
SketchUp's approach. Controls for light, shadow, transparency
and perspective are among the easiest to use we've ever seen.
@Last has also assembled a detailed, well laid out user interface
combined with excellent online help and guidance which really
serves to speed up the 3D drawing process. All the fundamentals
are front and center - 3D primitives and objects, full object
control, lighting control, color, form control, line and freehand
drawing. For the real heavy-duty users, SketchUp exports to
all major 2D and 3D AutoCAD formats in addition to saving
files in its native format.
A few quibbles. SketchUp has no text handling to speak of
(for labels, titles, legends, etc.), an omission we hope @Last
will remedy in an otherwise superb program. The sketch tools
and the settings in Preferences don't include cross-hatching
or feathering. The Orbit tool icon is different in the program
than it is in the online tutorials - ditto for the Push/Pull
There is nothing like a really good set of tutorials and SketchUp
has them. There is an extensive series of step-by-step full
motion screen capture video tutorials complete with the soothing
voice of a superbly talented SketchUp expert describing everything.
Very well done, streamed from the SketchUp web site! They
were created using a series of clearly effective scripts written
by someone who knows how to do this sort of writing. Camtasia
from TechSmith was used for the motion capture. There are
also tutorial videos in QuickTime format which run off the
installation CD. We can't say enough about the tutorials -
use them, particularly the online ones. Experiment with the
tools and techniques. I believe you'll be hooked and doing
great quality idea and concept sketches and presentations
for business, personal or hobby use inside of an hour or two
- less if you're already familiar with 3D drawing. SketchUp
is useful, fascinating and recommended.
to the Editor are welcome and occasionally abused in public.
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