SWF 'n Slide
by: Mark
Goldstein, September 2004, send
by: Vertical
Moon Software, go
to the web site
Requires: Windows
- Pentium processor-based PC or compatible computer,
Windows 98/ME/2000/XP, 128MB RAM, 50MB of available hard
disk space, Apple QuickTime 4.0 or higher, Macromedia
Flash Player 5 or higher (free); Mac - Power PC 400MHz
G3 or faster, OS 9.x, OS X or later, 128MB RAM, 50MB
of available hard disk space, Apple CarbonLib 1.6 extension
(OS 9.x), Apple QuickTime 4.0 or higher
MSRP: $39.95
(as of August 2004)
the most fun you can have with your digital photos on a
rainy day? How about loading selections into SWF 'n Slide,
applying special effects, sound, text and a bit of editing,
then automatically exporting or publishing the whole thing
in half a dozen different formats, including a couple that
can be put up on your personal web page? Think not? Think
again. That's what SWF 'n Slide does and that's a brief
description of one of the easiest and most useful slide
show creators available.
SWF 'n
Slide (pronounced Swiff & Slide?) is a small program
we've had sitting around our office for quite a while now
- several months actually. Why I didn't review it before
now is anyone's guess, but I'm glad we did because the
program is a nice little surprise. The SWF in the program's
name denotes the Macromedia Flash movie file format, and
creating Flash movies out of slide shows is what SWF 'n
Slide does best. However, it's also capable of publishing
or exporting slide shows as HTML documents, MOV files for
playback in QuickTime, SCR files for use as Windows screen
savers, and two different types of EXE files (a Windows
Projector executable and a screen saver installer - very
handy). Windows Projector files can be installed under
almost any newer version of Windows - it's just another
self-contained media format.
and using SWF 'n Slide is straightforward. There are no
special configuration settings required, the Flash program
is not required (your SWF creations will play perfectly
in any recent version of Internet Explorer and any other
browser which incorporates free Flash plug-ins), and the
software is almost totally usable via point & click
with a mouse. I installed and used SWF 'n Slide on a basic
home computer: Celeron 1.7GHz with 512MB RAM, ATI Radeon
9000 video card and not much else. I didn't do any preparation
of the digital photos used to create the slide shows, relying
instead only on the built-in controls provided by SWF 'n
Slide. I selected 95 photos from a huge general interest
collection in my personal archives and used the selections
to create four different slide shows including one really
boring version which incorporated all 95 photos (I just
wanted to see whether or not SWF 'n Slide would choke on
a big number—it didn't, although it sure did slow
down some—and I hasten to point out that creating
real slide shows of that size is idiotic in the first place).
The slide show I created for public consumption consisted
of 25 photos taken on my last vacation (at Lake of the
Woods and on Manitoulin Island) and set to a pair of Nora
Jones songs: Sunrise and Humble Me, both from her album
Feels Like Home. I dumped the completed SWF into Macromedia's
Dreamweaver web page software, updated my personal web
page, then sent e-mail containing the URL to the family.
I received a couple of minor complaints over the size of
the slide show, but since Flash is a streaming format it
was only the 56K modem users still stuck with dial-up Internet
connections who complained. Vertical Moon designs and sells
a number of related programs and we're dying to try out
the company's Text-Osterone utility to enhance the text
in our slide shows.
Cons: Using
the phrase "new slide" instead of "get
image/photo" in the Edit menu is mildly confusing
when you start adding photos to create a new slide show
(some users may wonder how they can load a slide before
actually creating one). Even though I often deride the
overuse of special effects, they have their place (kids
slide shows, marketing presentations, etc.), so a few more
beyond the six provided would be welcome. The preview window
does not always display the whole slide. The only major
gripe I have is that the display duration control is located
on the image tab of the configuration dialog rather than
on the FX tab alongside the transition and effects duration
controls, meaning you have to switch back and forth between
tabs to make those adjustments. This is all very light
criticism and should not detract from any decision to use
SWF 'n Slide.
Pros: Ridiculously
easy to use. You can apply any current selection (effect,
transition or music) to one slide, all
slides or a selected group of slides. Apply a sound or
audio file to one slide or select an song (MP3, WAV, etc.)
to run under the entire slide show. There's even basic
audio file editor to adjust the length of clips. Large
selection of transitions all of which can use custom duration
settings. Web integration via the ability to embed URLs
in any slides in the show. Full preview window which shows
each slide along with all the effects, text, transitions
and audio. Twenty four image editing controls for everything
from brightness & contrast to blurs, swirls, sharpens
and painterly effects, as well as a handy crop control
for getting rid of unwanted portions. Text layout controls
(top, bottom, left, center, upper left, lower left, etc.,
etc.) are well thought out and work as you'd expect. Best
of all, and unlike many other low cost slide show creators,
SWF 'n Slide contains an absolutely solid set of file filters.
Whether you're grabbing MP3, WAV, JPEG, TIFF or any other
compatible files, the program does not complain about encoders
or format versions or anything else. It just loads your
selections and lets you quickly put them to creative use.
Publishes six output formats (SWF, HTML, SCR, SCR/EXE,
PRJ/EXE and MOV individually or all at once if you choose).
With very little effort I was able to create an appealing,
well laid out slide show in under an hour. Nice program.
Highly recommended.
Letters to the Editor are welcome and occasionally abused in public. Send e-mail to: whine@kickstartnews.com
