Kano SureFIRE
800 Portable Hard Drive
by: Jack
Reikel, November 2004, send
by: Kano
Technologies Corporation, go
to the web site
Requires: Windows
98SE, ME, 2000 or XP, Mac OS 9.1, 9.2 or OSX and any
available USB or FireWire connection
MSRP: $339.99
small, fits in a medium size pocket, looks nice, runs quiet,
runs cool, plugs into just about any Windows PC or Mac
made in the past 5 years, stores an enormous amount of
data and can be transported anywhere? Aren't these new
portable hard drives nice? Don't they just perfectly fill
the need for fast backup of crucial data? And what's this
business about triple data connections? Kano Technologies,
one of the babies of the optical storage industry (having
started life in 2002), has branched out into data storage
with both enterprise RAID and somewhat more conventional
solutions represented by the SureFIRE line of portable
hard drives.
The SureFIRE
800 features triple data connections: FireWire 800, FireWire
400 and USB 2.0 Hi-Speed (800 Mbps, 400Mbps and 480Mbps
data transfer rates respectively). The drive is supplied
with cables for all three connections and also comes with
a separate AC power block. We tested the SureFIRE 800 (60GB
version) on FireWire 800 and 400 connections as well as
several different USB 2.0 Hi-Speed, USB 2.0 full speed
and legacy USB 1.1 connections under Windows 98SE, Me,
2000 and XP Professional.
For the
record, while we could detect some slight speed advantages
over FireWire 400 when transferring files via USB 2.0 Hi-Speed,
the real difference is practically negligible. FireWire
800 however is another matter. It's gosh-darn fast and
turns this diminutive drive into a real tiger. We also
hooked up the drive to a standard USB 2.0 connection and
literally maxed out the speed measurement at the specified
limits (12Mbps) in every test which also means that Kano's
USB hardware interface is fully backward compatible with
older USB standards —good news for all those with
older computers. The lab tests never tell the whole story
though and Kickstartnews likes to review products based
on their usefulness in day-to-day applications. So I copied
about 35GB worth of mixed files (documents, movie files,
music files, digital photos), tossed the SureFIRE into
my briefcase and proceeded about my weekly excursions to
various clients. I have access to client computers all
over the place and since we've done this sort of thing
before, none of them had any objection to allowing us to
temporarily occupy a bit of their server space. We also
packed all three data connection cables in order to be
able to accommodate whatever connections were available.
First, a bit of a revelation. There are loads of FireWire
400 connections out there. I was surprised at the number
of PCs and laptops with available FireWire connections.
FireWire 800 is another story however. Of the 12 offices
we visited over a six week period, only two had the faster
FireWire connection, both of them brand new G5 Macs. We
were also surprised at the relatively small number of USB
2.0 Hi-Speed connections compared to the ubiquitous USB
2.0 Standard (which operate at the same 12Mbps speed as
USB 1.1) . A number of people thought they had USB 2.0
Hi-Speed and were surprised to find that wasn't the case.
Only about half the USB 2.0 ports we encountered were Hi-Speed.
PC manufacturers need to do a better job of identifying
this sort of stuff for business clients.
Another revelation.
Portability, real portability, now means not having to
fuss with yet another power cable to
provide juice to your portable hard drive. That's a reality
with buss-powered FireWire drives. One FireWire cable does
it all—power and data transfer.
The other thing we really like about this little guy is
its 8MB cache. Say what you want about so-called pokey
old 5,400 RPM drives, with an 8MB read ahead cache, this
drive will outperform 7,200 RPM drives with 2MB caches.
Last but not least, this drive is small, lightweight and
stylish. It is also unobtrusive, easy to handle and strongly
built, all important factors when the transport method
is the inside of a briefcase or the tangled jungle in a
laptop bag.
Cons: No real cons for this one, although you might find
that streaming video is not the best application for the
SureFIRE (but streaming video still works, albeit with
the occasional interruption). Status LEDs can be hard to
see unless the drive is located at desk height or higher.
It's definitely a minor quibble but if you regularly refer
to drive status lights you'll want to choose a higher rather
than lower drive position amidst the clutter on your desk.
Pros: Totally silent and runs remarkably cool. Ideal for
music studio applications, among other things, because
of its low noise output. If you're connecting via FireWire
you don't need a power adaptor because buss power from
the FireWire port is all the SureFIRE needs. At 5400 RPM
this drive is more than fast enough for all conceivable
portable data storage needs and because of the comparatively
low spindle speed is also wonderfully quiet during operation
(thank you Kano). The 8MB cache helps turns this drive
into a genuine performer. Lots of uses for this little
guy: portable music library server (streaming music across
FireWire or USB 2.0 Hi-Speed is a breeze), data backup,
data storage, archival storage (this little drive easily
fits into a low profile safety deposit box) and data transport.
Fairly priced for a highly portable, ultra compact, well-built
drive with versatile connection options. I used the drive
for five weeks prior to submitting this review and the
device performed flawlessly. If you're not regularly burning
backup CDs or DVDs because you think it's a pain in the
neck, do yourself a favor and buy a Kano SureFIRE. The
data you save may be your own. Good product from a good
new company. Highly recommended.
Letters to the Editor are welcome and occasionally abused in public. Send e-mail to: whine@kickstartnews.com
