Belkin PureAV
Isolator: Home Theater Surge Protector
by: Paul
Schneider, PhD, send
by: Belkin
Corporation, go
to the web site
Requires: N/A
MSRP: $119.99
protection is not exactly one of those things about
which people jump over each other in excitement.
As with security services, you pay in advance to
prevent a disaster that you hope will never happen.
Not exactly the type of thing one gets excited
about purchasing. Even so, I've been one of those
who in the past, decided to err on the side of
safety when it came to my computer and audio equipment
rather than risk it all with a cheap extension
outlet strip (though to be completely honest I
have used those in a pinch!).
PureAV Isolator Home Theater Surge Protector from
Belkin is their top of the line surge protector
for the home theater. It is designed to protect
all of your digital entertainment products. It
sports such features as fire-resistant metal, Belkin's
highest joule rating and power filter technology.
Putting its money where its mouth is, Belkin also
provides a lifetime warranty that covers even some
of the most expensive entertainment products. When
first reading about the surge protector I was left
with a picture of a computer disaster in which,
like the black box from an airplane crash, the
only thing left standing in the smoldering ruins
was my Belkin surge protector! That's how tough
the literature sounds.
The features
provided with this product include 10 outlets with ample room
for large AC adaptors, a 12 foot (3.7m) cord with a nice wraparound
case to store excess cord, safeguards for multiple DSL fax/modems,
protection (ceramic arrester) for cable lines, diagnostic
indicator lights and a flat profile to reduce clutter.
One of
the device's key components is Belkin's Power Filter Technology.
This technology aims to prevent disturbances through graduated
filtration. Essentially all of the components plugged into
the unit are isolated from the others. If you have problems
with snow on your viewing device when another piece of equipment
is running, this should help to eliminate the problem. The
idea behind the design is to deliver a clean, isolated, protected
power bank for each outlet. If one has a problem, the others
continue to hum along.
In terms
of overall protection strength the product is rated to withstand
up to 4720 joules. For the curious, a Joule is a unit of energy
named after the British scientist and inventor James Prescott
Joule. To give you a comparison, Belkin's entry level model
provides protection for up to 592 joules. Quite literally
this is one of the highest levels of protection you can buy.
Most important however, you are truly protected. If a surge
somehow gets past the unit, the Belkin warranty will provide
you with replacement or repaired equipment equal to the current
market value of your ruined gear.
for this review, I didn't have any real problems with clarity
in reception, picture, or otherwise, and no electrical disaster
struck my home. However, the device did work flawlessly and
its green "everything is okay" light continues to
provide me with reassurance. If disaster does strike I'll
be sure and let you know, but for now I'm happy the insurance
hasn't been used. If you are one of those people who unplugs
their electronic devices or turns them off whenever a storm
comes, do yourself a favor and buy some 'insurance' and stop
letting a little storm interfere with your work or enjoyment!
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