by: Jeff Matthews, send
by: SpectorSoft, go
to the web site
Requires: Pentium
PC running at 100 MHz or higher, 16MB RAM, Windows 9x/Me/NT/2000/XP & Internet
MSRP: $149.95 |
Are your
children using a computer? Would you like to know who they're
communicating with? Would you like to know who's sending
them e-mail and even what is contained in the e-mails? Do
you know who is accessing your computer when you're away
from the keyboard? eBlaster has a solution that is powerful
but which at the same time will not take a massive chunk
out of your pocketbook.
is an affordable solution that can find out what is happening,
what time it is happening, what day it's happening and
under what username it is occurring. eBlaster has the
power to act as a basic keystroke monitor and an intensive
security surveillance system. It can e-mail you a report
of all activity occurring on your computer every 30 minutes
or at a time you have preset. You can choose to have eBlaster
notify you about every keyword typed, every application that
has been launched and set it to record all the web sites
that have been visited. eBlaster by default records all
of the
by every username on the computer but can be changed
to only record the activities of certain users. In order
to activate eBlaster you must press the secret hotkeys
you choose
setup. Then you must type in your password. Unauthorized
users are denied access. You can also set eBlaster to display
a message to users logging on to the computer that their
activity is being monitored or choose not to inform them
at all. The software operates behind the scenes without the
user knowing and no icon appears in the Start menu or system
Do your
children use their own computer? Maybe you want to monitor
the web
sites they visit or check on who they're
communicating with on AOL. eBlaster can log instant message
conversations. eBlaster will send you a log of both sides
of the instant message conversation if you specify that you
wish to receive it. It can also send you the text of the
e-mails received or sent by the user. Maybe you want to put "porn" in
the keyword notify list? If your child surfs to a porn site,
you'll get an e-mail notifying you of the incident; the e-mail
includes the URL, time, date and other pertinent information.
If you're at work and do not wish to be e-mailed immediately
about the incident you can turn off the 'Send Instant Keyword
Reports' feature and instead you'll be notified about the
incident during the next report eBlaster sends to you.
Suppose I'm the security manager at a high tech company
and we have top secret information that we do not wish to
leave the company. I can put terms that have been discussed
at the internal meeting into the keyword list. If an employee
unknowingly sends an e-mail to a friend about new plans within
the company and uses some terms that have been discussed
at the internal meeting, eBlaster can notify someone about
the event. The next step is that management can be immediately
informed and can quickly take action against the employee.
Note: Our research shows that companies which announce
to staff the use of prooducts like eBlaster tend
to have fewer problems during the first few weeks of
as staff
used to the situation and gradually forget about eBlaster's
presence, security breaches start to rise again).
For only $99.95 eBlaster is a powerful, comparatively inexpensive
package which allows you to not only record keystrokes
also monitor many things such as all web sites visited and
all incoming and outgoing e-mail. eBlaster will always keep
you notified at predetermined intervals about what is going
to the Editor are welcome and occasionally abused in public.
Send e-mail to: whine@kickstartnews.com