Farkle v1.0
for Palm OS
by: Lianne
Reitter, September 2004, send
by: Smart
Box Design, go
to the web site
Requires: alm
OS 3.5 or higher, color or grayscale display; optimized
for Palm OS5.x
MSRP: $14.95
Oh, Farkle!
Smart Box Design, the company who brought us the fabulously
addictive WordPop, is at it again folks, this time with
a great dice game called Farkle. It’s a simple roll
the dice and count your score type of game and the reason
I'm in love with it is that unlike so many games being
released for Palm OS these days, I can win at this one!
The game
play is simple. There are six dice: ones and fives score
100 and 50 points respectively but triple rolls of any
number, score that number times 100; any three pair score
500; a straight scores 1,000. You start out by rolling
all six dice then removing each usable die to record your
score. During your turn you can keep your current score
or if there any unusable dice remaining opt to roll again
in hope of increasing the score. But if you don't roll
a scoring die, you Farkle, ending your turn with a zero
score. Farkle three times in a row and you lose 1,000 points.
Trust me, Triple Farkle hurts—it hurts your score
and your pride (well, mine anyway).
You can
play Farkle against a friend, as many as three, but since
PDA game play is so often played solo, Smart Box Design
has created six virtual opponents for you, all with a distinct
play personalities. Seriously, it’s like playing
online with real people. Nervous Nell is completely terrified
of Farkling and she will avoid it like the plague. Steady
Stan will score every point available to him on every roll
and Smart Alec is a strategic son-of-a-gun and very crafty.
Additional virtual players also include Average Ann, Jammin’ Jen
and Bonzai Bob. You can play short games (first to reach
5,000 points) or longer games (first to reach 10,000).
The first player, real or virtual, to reach a score at
or over the game limit ceases game play. The remaining
players then each get one more turn to beat the winning
score. It doesn't matter which player rolls first to start
the game—point leads and game advantages will pass
from one player to another throughout game until a winner
is declared.
The only thing missing from Farkle is the ability to beam
a game between Palm OS devices and while it is not that
much of a detraction from the game as a whole, it is the
missing link. We tested Farkle on our Palm Zire 71 and
the newer Sony Clie TH55 and while the game worked flawlessly
on both, it would have been even better if we could have
beamed our game play between the two devices. Maybe later
incarnations of Farkle will include such capabilities and
Kickstartnews will keep you posted.
”Oh, Farkle!” Don't be surprised if it becomes
a popular new expletive. This is a great game that will
test your patience as well as your gambling skills. You
might have three dice left to roll, but do you take that
chance? You may Farkle and that could put you so much farther
behind the pack that making up the point difference could
be near impossible. But, roll those dice and score three
ones, well that’s 1000 points baby and you could
be on easy street. What to do, what to do? Oh, Farkle!
Highly recommended.
Letters to the Editor are welcome and occasionally abused in public. Send e-mail to: whine@kickstartnews.com
