Viewer v2.0.1 for Palm OS
by: Howard
Carson, March 2004, send
by: Cerience
Corporation, go
to the web site
Requires: 166MHz
processor or faster, Microsoft Windows 98 SE, Me, 2000
Professional, or Windows XP; 32MB of RAM (64MB RAM for
Windows 2000 or later), 15MB hard disk space, Palm Desktop
4.0, 4.01 or higher, Palm OS v5.0 or higher, 700KB of
available free space on Palm OS device; for Microsoft
Office document conversion: Microsoft Office 97 service
release 2 or Office 2000 or Office XP; for web page conversion:
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.5 or later
MSRP: $29.95
If text
entry on your PDA is not the most efficient use of your
time, except for abbreviated entries in the Date Book and
detailed entries in the Address Book or vice versa, then
what's the point of being able to use miniature versions
or imitations of Microsoft Word and Excel (to name but
two of the major formats which have migrated to PalmOS)?
The simple answer is that being able to load a bunch of
documents, spreadsheets, graphs, charts and what-have-you
onto your PDA for later perusal, thorough reading or research
is one of the handiest things around these days. The tricky
part is being able to read and analyze the documents without
the clutter of a full featured document creation user interface
(cut, copy, past, edit, draw, insert, columns, tables,
etc., etc.) occupying valuable screen space, while at the
same time providing a viewer which preserves the documents'
original formatting. And that's what RepliGo is all about
- reading, searching, converting, bookmarking, commenting
and highlighting all sorts of documents (with graphics
included) on your PDA .
for good native format file readers are numerous and sundry.
Being able to haul around dozens of Word and Excel files,
fully readable, fully searchable, in a format to which
notes can be added, nicely rendered to your PDA display
(and therefore easy on the eyes) is handy indeed. In fact,
attending meetings accompanied by a PDA containing all
the relevant documents creates less clutter, more focus
and - at least in the case of RepliGo - makes for an efficient
way to work.
and using RepliGo is quite simple. The software consists
of two main components: a) the conversion plug-in and a
printer driver which are installed on your PC; b) the RepliGo
Viewer for mobile devices which installs to your PDA and
allows you to view and work with the documents you convert.
During installation, RepliGo adds a toolbar button (plug-in)
that integrates into Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint
and Internet Explorer. For other file types such as PDF,
CAD files, WordPerfect, etc., documents are converted using
the RepliGo virtual printer by selecting Print on the file
menu then RepliGo from the list of available printers.
All conversions are fast and completely automated.
Our first admittedly hesitant working test of RepliGo
was at a meeting with a client to whom we had previously
delivered a draft research proposal. The client had printed
the original documents (5 separate reports in Word, 2 Excel
spreadsheets) and we were accessing them on a Palm Zire
71 running RepliGo. The documents totaled 14MB in size,
each Word document averaged 37 pages and the Excel spreadsheets
each contained 7 worksheets. We were able to browse, search,
comment and bookmark each document throughout the meeting.
The meeting lasted two and a half hours and I estimate
that the PDA was actually on continuously for at least
70 minutes. During that time we used RepliGo continuously
as well. No crashes, no lockups, no delays, no rendering
Our second and more enthusiastic test of RepliGo was a
also bit more complex. We had been contracted to consult
with a high-level research team working on several space
science projects. Specifically, we were asked to do a feasibility
analysis on the two most complex projects. The initial
problem (we thought) was the fact that none of the existing
documentation sent to us was in a consistent format. We
received PDF, PowerPoint, Microsoft Project, Word, WordPerfect,
Excel and Visio files. Once again, document conversion
was easily accomplished by going to the Print dialog and
sending each file to the RepliGo virtual printer. All converted
files HotSync'd properly.
Cons: It's too easy to get out of the default work flow
(formatting and display) mode, which means you have to
adjust the view percentage every time you get out of a
zoom. Cerience changed the RepliGo documents structure,
so older versions will not display v2 documents. Occasional
word wrap problems in bulleted lists generated by Word
XP (change zoom level than tap Work Flow to wrap lines
Pros: Fast. It's real fast folks. Even when viewing documents
loaded with graphics, charts and photos, scrolling is smooth
and controllable, and screen rendering is clean, which
means everything is clearly displayed and easy to read.
We were impressed with how well the RepliGo converters
preserved the original formatting of all the documents
we tried. The RepliGo viewer is free of charge so anyone
can install it and then read documents already converted
by others. RepliGo was designed from the ground up to deal
with the difficulties of reading large format documents
on the small form factor of the PDA screen and it does
a terrific job. The only difficult to read documents and
spreadsheets we found were files that looked terrible (and
difficult to read) on the PC too! RepliGo now has a permanent
place on my PDA. Highly Recommended.
Letters to the Editor are welcome and occasionally abused in public. Send e-mail to:
