Splash ID
v3.03 for Palm OS
by: Lianne
Reitter, March 2004, send
by: SplashData, go
to the web site
Requires: Supports
all handheld models running Palm OS 3.1 or late, Tungsten
T3 users need Palm's DIA Compatibility PRCs installed,
220KB of free memory for the application and about 10KB
for the data; Windows 98, ME, NT4, 2000 or XP, Mac OS
9.2 or later
MSRP: $29.95
If you
are anything like me, you have been surfing the web long
enough to have accumulated a few passwords. I have passwords
that log me onto my favorite e-zines, my online banking,
eBay, Yahoo and the list keeps growing. Now, my mind is
not a steel trap and I can think of only one person I went
to high school with who had a memory good enough to recall
this kind of stuff. I've re-registered on many sites simply
because I couldn't remember the password. Nowadays, thankfully,
a lot of web sites, force you to use your e-mail address
as a user name so your lost or forgotten password can be
e-mailed to you when inevitable happens. OK - so I'm not
so worried about forgetting my password for DP Review but
I'd be in a fix if I forgot my online bank password, or
worse yet, the password that signs me on to my computer
at work. What I need is a place to write this stuff down.
Clearly a piece of paper in my purse is no solution but
a piece of software on my trusty PDA could be just the
trick. Enter Splash ID. We reviewed version 2.55 in June
2003. A lot has changed.
the people that brought you SplashPhoto, that cool picture
viewer for your PDA , have a nifty new database program
that allows you to not only keep a record of your passwords,
but everything else in your life that requires a secret
piece of information. Keep all your credit card information
at hand without carrying every card with you (you don't
need the card for telephone or online purchases you know
- just the account number and password). Keep all your
automobile information (driver’s license number,
insurance policy and ownership) your e-mail addresses even
family phone numbers in one place, and have it all available
at the touch of a stylus, while at the same time completely
inaccessible to others.
The software
itself is designed to not just keep your information
safe, but you help you find it again too. As
with all databases, you can input your information under
Categories like “Business” or “Personal” and
Types like “Credit Card” or “Memberships” or “Web
Logins”. You can assign each entry an icon; maybe
a little red car for your auto information, the Visa or
MasterCard icon for your credit cards. There are 64 icons
to choose from. Each type of record is fully configurable
as well, with 6 fields of information, any (or all) of
which can be masked. Besides your password, you may not
want the casual observer to see login names or account
numbers either, so all can be masked with little dots until
you are ready to access the information. Splash ID comes
with 19 “Types” reconfigured but you can edit
those to your heart's content or create your own. You can
sort your records by Icon, or in alphabetical order, and
there is a search option as well if you have a lot of records
to sift through.
If you find that your passwords are getting too similar
to one another you can use the included Password Generator
to create a password for you. Using a combination of letters
numbers and symbols you can create a password that only
the most sophisticated password cracking software might
be able to figure out.
To cut down on the tedium of inputting information directly
into your PDA Splash ID comes with an identical PC version
so you can use your keyboard for easy data entry. Once
everything is in, just sync up your device and you're in
business. Splash ID will also import your information from
other databases like YAPS, CryptoInfo and MobileSafe. It
couldn't be any easier to get all your sensitive information
organized and at your fingertips.
Splash ID is very user friendly but if a feature needs
additional explanation, there is a detailed user guide
available to help. There is only one problem with Splash
ID and you may have already guessed it, yeah, you need
a password to sign in and access your information. Now
where am I going to write that one down? The point is that
once you start using SplashID you only have to remember
one master password. Highly useful software. Highly recommended.
Letters to the Editor are welcome and occasionally abused in public. Send e-mail to: whine@kickstartnews.com
