Incorporated - PalmOS & Pocket PC Strategy Game
by: Lianne
Reitter, February 2004, send
by: Handmark
(developed by Spiffcode), go
to the web site
Requires: PC
running Winds 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP or Mac running OX 8.5-9.x,
Palm Desktop; PDA running Palm OS 3.5 or higher or Pocket
PC running any Windows Mobile for Pocket PC
MSRP: $29.99
(both platforms)
Handheld Computing Magazine awarded Warfare Incorporated
honors for Best Game of 2003. Not bad - especially
considering that only a few years ago the mere concept
of something more than 256 colors in a legibly bright
display was the ultimate goal. It's not displays
that are the problem any more however, but rather
the search for surprisingly complex and detailed
games which challenge the small format of the typical
Palm OS-based PDA.
I love
my PDA. I love the fact that I have all my contact
information at the push of a button. I grin
every time I convert liters to gallons. I even refer
to it for my grocery list in the middle of the cereal
isle – secretly mind you; I don't want to look
too geeky out in public. I love playing a game or
two. Solitaire and Yahtzee have been long time favorites
and I'm sure you play something similar. But we have
to admit it - most PDA games thus far have been great
time killers, but there hasn't been anything as exciting
as a really robust real time strategy game. Until
Spiffcode and Handmark have just injected some long
needed thrills into handheld gaming with their recent
release of Warfare Incorporated. It's a serious release
that has left very little behind on the design table.
Warfare Incorporated takes place on the newly discovered
planet of Icarus, the surface of which is just littered
with a new valuable mineral, Galaxite. You play Andy Whitmore,
a Security Trainee for Acme, the mining conglomerate that
discovered Icarus. As the only available warm body anywhere
near this new found cache, you are called upon to land
on the planet and start up a mining operation.
to everyone, Acme’s rival, Omni Corporation,
has also landed on Icarus and it's mining every bit of
Galaxite in sight and undermining the claim your company
has staked. Is it your job to open up peaceful negotiations?
Do you fire off an angry e-mail to your Congressman? Hell
no boy! You do what all other corporate rivals do: in the
words of your boss and mentor, annihilate everything! Yes
friend you have gone from Security Trainee to Mercenary
Capitalist Freedom Fighter and are you ever equipped to
do the job!
Like all great
RTS games you start by building the structures (in this
case Galaxite processors) that are going to keep
the money coming in to allow you to build and expand your
army of guards, troopers, cannons and tanks. Build a big
enough army and then let them loose on the enemy. But it’s
not all raze and destroy. Nope. Sometimes you have to be
very stealthy, and using your Corporate Raiders, take over
your opponents' buildings. Sometimes, you are going to
have to go it alone and really use your wits to out gun
and out smart your opponent. You have objectives to reach
and believe it or not a world to save as you find out there
is a lot more going on around this little planet than just
a mining squabble. There were others here many moons before
you arrived and they left a few things behind.
Spiffcode has
an incredible game here. Using every available millimeter
of the PDA screen they have created rich colorful
alien landscapes, beautifully detailed buildings and really
great sound effects to make this a full RTS gaming experience.
I really love the tongue in cheek humor too. I mean, Acme?
Corporate Raiders? Come on, that’s funny! How about
their rewards? As a corporate employee, you don't go from
Private to Corporal to Sergeant to Lieutenant to Captain.
Not here. Kill enough of the bad guys in Warfare Incorporated
and you get promoted to Acme Up-and-Comer, or Operations
There are 14
single player missions and for some this may seem like
a short game. However, Spiffcode also includes
6 bonus challenge missions. I've also been checking out
the message boards and there is some even better stuff
planned for the future. Along with free upgrade releases,
Spiffcode currently has both multiplayer functionality
and a map editor in beta testing. They will reportedly
deliver the multiplayer functionality for both WiFi and
Bluetooth-enabled PDA’s. You will even be able to
challenge your buddy across handheld OS platforms - Palm
OS devices playing against Pocket PC's. Could this get
any better? Spiffcode is working on it.
I played Warfare Incorporated on my color Sony Clie using
Palm OS 4.1, a Palm Zire 71 using Palm OS 5 and a color
Compaq iPAQ using Pocket PC v3. The game worked flawlessly
on all three except for some display instability in the
map cursor when running on Palm OS 4.1. However, if your
device is MediaQ compatible, you can install MQGX.prc (you
should find a copy on the Warfare Incorporated CD) for
a performance boost.
If you are into RTS games or just in the mood for something
a lot different than your usual PDA fare, I highly recommend
Warfare Incorporated. The game is terrific as-is. With
the plans its developers have, it stands to have a great
future as a must-have game for your PDA.
Letters to the Editor are welcome and occasionally abused in public. Send e-mail to: whine@kickstartnews.com
