WiFile v1.02
by: Jack
Reikel, June 2004, send
by: Hands
High Software, Inc., go
to the web site
Requires: Palm
OS 4.0 or higher and a connection to a network via direct
WiFi, Bluetooth or cradle/cable
MSRP: $29.95
puts your Network Neighborhood in your hand. The program
lets you transfer files to and from your Palm OS Handheld
(PDA) from shared directories on corporate networks, school
servers and home networks. With WiFile and a WiFi-enabled
PDA you can connect via wireless access point to a local
area network or the Internet, directly access programs,
databases, documents, spreadsheets, music and image files,
and any other files which are compatible with your PDA.
We tested
WiFile on a Sony Clié TH55 with its built-in 802.11b
WiFi, and a Palm Zire 72 with its built-in Bluetooth and
our favorite Palm Zire 71. We accessed our office network
through an existing 3Com 802.11 b/g router and connected
Windows computers and one Mac running OS 10.2. Evidently
Unix directories are accessible too as long as Samba is
running but we did not try it. We also tried Bluetooth
access through an Actiontec USB Bluetooth Adaptor. WiFile
installed easily and ran well on both PDAs and we encountered
no problems accessing our office network. We also accessed
the network via cradle/cable and the Zire 71, establishing
a network connection first using Plug2Net from
Corsoft, then launching WiFile. In each case, WiFile detected
available network connections and we were then able to
configure access as needed. The Clié worked best
when I activated the local network connection via Sony's
MobileManager utility supplied with the PDA.
- several times a week actually - I want an easy way to
transfer JPEG photos, documents or notes to my PDA without
saving documents through Documents To Go, QuickWord or
RepliGo or some other program that will HotSync the files
for me. I just want to access the network, copy the files
and go. Sometimes - also several times per week - I want
to copy files from the PDA's storage card to one of the
computers on our network. From time to time also, I don't
even want to transfer a document; I just want to stream
it to the PDA from the network - a song file, a photo,
a document or a spreadsheet. Before WiFile came along,
it was all really hard to do and frankly using Documents
To Go, QuickWord or RepliGo or whatever was appropriate
was often the only choice. WiFile changed that and although
it's not a full blown file manager, it sure makes it easy
to move files on and off the PDA.
Cons: The Zire
72's Bluetooth implementation is competent, but don't
spend important parts of your life doing large
file transfers using this technologies on Palm OS PDAs.
Restricting yourself to smaller files - text-heavy documents,
spreadsheets, small JPEGs, and so on - allows WiFile to
do its best work when Bluetooth is the access method of
choice. Bluetooth blows - big time. It's crappy technology
that needs to mature. It's slow, connections are often
hazy and don't ever start moving the PDA around while a
file transfer is taking place because you may lose the
wireless connection. I understand that some Bluetooth implementations
work well and I'd appreciate it very much if someone would
send me just one example! This has nothing directly to
do with WiFile, but the Bluetooth standards makers and
designers should all be spanked. The WiFile Preferences
dialog does not support Palm OS copy & paste, which
becomes slightly irritating when you're trying to enter
a series of local IP addresses. The dialog lets you enter
as many IP addresses as you want, but the list is not scrollable
so you can only see the first three addresses and there
doesn't seem to be any way to jump to the end of the list
either. This kind of user interface mistake is not characteristic
of Hands High Software which has a fine stable of programs,
some of which have superb user interfaces including ThoughtManager,
ToDo Plus and MemoPlus. I'm still using WiFile - it's really
handy - but fix this please Hands High.
Pros: IP driven
connections make it easy to connect to anything that's
shared and connected to your network, which
means that Internet file transfers work nicely as does
access through Virtual Private Network (VPN) software such
as Mergic and Movian to allow secure access through a corporate
firewall. Small, fast little utility. Stable despite our
attempts to make it crash. Although our network coughed
a few times, WiFile just reconnected on command. We managed
to connect and transfer files to and from Windows computers
and a Mac running OS 10.2. Fully compatible with Palm OS
Exchange Manager which means we were able to browse the
network, select a Word or Excel document and open it automatically
in Documents To Go, all this without having to HotSync
or use the Documents To Go client on the PC. Very handy
again and it worked flawlessly. The HandsHigh Software
WiFile Compatibility Guide states that access via Plug2Net
has not been tested but we got it to work without any problems.
The final real-world test we did with WiFile took place
in my backyard, sitting on the deck where I connected to
my wireless home network (Netgear wireless 802.11b/g router),
plugged the headphones into the Sony Clié TH55 and
streamed MP3 music via WiFile directly into PocketTunes.
The sun was shining, the air was fresh and it was absolute
heaven. WiFile is terrific. Highly recommended.
Letters to the Editor are welcome and occasionally abused in public. Send e-mail to: whine@kickstartnews.com
