Password Recovery Kit v7.3
by: Howard
Carson, November 2005
by: Passware
Requires: Windows
95 or later, Office 95 or later and any recent version of
other programs accessible to LPRK
MSRP: US$355.00
(Enterprise and multi-user licenses available)
I never see another password again, it won't be too soon.
I mean, why can't we all just be nice to each other and
not steal? Why can't everybody just leave everybody else's
stuff alone? I wish I had just one password. I am an idiot
for thinking about this. If I express this sort of thing
in mixed company, everyone will think I'm a complete goof.
So security concerns make us do all sorts of things these
days, including eliminating the word "trust" from
our vocabularies in order to better address the harsh realities
we deal with in business. That is to say people steal,
ergo, files need to be protected. You produce valuable
work ensconced in Word, Excel, WordPerfect, etc., etc.,
etc., and if it's left unprotected, the wrong people may
find and use it for their own purposes. That's bad. The
problem is, the words "password protected" do
not automatically mean "password remembered".
has been around since 1998, producing password recovery
software. The company deals mainly with Help Desk personnel,
law enforcement, forensic agencies, IT professionals,
network administrators and a wide range of non-business
software consumers. The Lost Password Recovery Kit (LPRK)
is a comprehensive set of keys (document modules) each
of which is designed to analyze password protected files
from over 80 widely used (and a few not-so-widely used)
productivity programs. Each key/module is designed specifically
to analyze and recover passwords from documents generated
by a particular program. Load the Word Key to recover
a Password from any Microsoft Word document; load the
1-2-3 Key to recover a password from any Lotus 1-2-3
file, and so on.
and using LPRK is very simple. The installation itself
is benign—no background processes, no system problems.
The main reason is that LPRK doesn't do anything until
you actual launch the software and feed it a file from
which a password has to be recovered. Can't open a password
protected Excel document because you fired the person
who created it (and he didn't leave you a Post-It with
the password)? No problem. Launch the LPRK Excel Key,
point it to the offending Excel file and let the software
perform its magic.
most situations, LPRK will recover the password in a
few seconds or minutes. Mind you, long and overly complex
random passwords may keep LPRK churning away for very
long periods of time—days in some cases—so
smart IT people (or anyone who is using LPRK) may be
wise to reduce the process priority of the software if
the machine on which LPRK is running has to be used for
other work. Note also that documents locked with passwords
that have been heavily encrypted will stump the chump.
Aside from that caveat, if there's an LPRK key for your
particular document, the password will likely be recovered.
I tried
60 different password protected documents in LPRK. The
passwords ranged in complexity from simple (polly) to
complex (Raid34Tx). LPRK took an average of 45 seconds
to recover each password. The simplest ones were recovered
in less than 5 seconds. While there are never any absolute
guarantees with this sort of software, I could not stump
the program.
enterprise IT managers, smart home-office and small business
owners should recognize that the LPRK search routine
is highly customizable. So if you design and impose a
password system in your business using a specific formatting
(e.g., capital, lowercase, number, number, number, number),
adjusting the LPRK search formatting accordingly thereafter
will help recover lost passwords quite easily. Ensuring
that all staff are trained to use a particular password
formatting can often make the password easier (read:
faster) for LPRK to recover. Limiting LPRK's work to
six letters/digits in such a situation, for example,
makes password recovery a breeze, while still preserving
sufficient complexity to prevent plain language or other
guess-able passwords from being used. While there are
always going to be people who have trouble either counting
to six or following this kind of rule, I think that enforcing
password rules for your business is usually a good idea.
One of
the documents we tried with LPRK belonged to a friend of
mine. It was a Microsoft Word 2003 file which contained
a regularly updated list of all his usernames and passwords,
bank access codes, PINs, and so on. LPRK recovered the
password in just under 7 seconds. Anyone with a nefarious
streak could have used the information in that Word document
to clean out the man's bank accounts and credit card cash
balances. The message here is that there are proper password
vault utilities available out there for just a few dollars.
Using a password protected Word document to store highly
sensitive access information is completely wrong and you
will be sorry. LPRK is not the devil in such a situation.
It's the responsibility of any person who uses poor or
inappropriate security to shoulder the burden of any losses.
Buy a password vault utility. Use it.
Cons: The
user interface is average to fair, so for this kind of
money I could hope for something less 1989-ish and more
2005-ish. Okay—the software works exceedingly well,
but a more inviting UI couldn't hurt. It's not Passware's
fault (as a matter of fact, it's actually the foundation
of Passware's existence), but would someone please remind
everyone that passwords are meant to be REMEMBERED. There
are about 30 different secure password storage utilities
available right now, all of which will take care of all
the remembering for you. All you have to do then is REMEMBER
to use the storage software! Ah well, if everybody remembered
or securely stored their passwords, Passware would have
nothing to do.
Pros: Delightful.
It works exceedingly well and I could not stump the thing
although one password which turned out to be "Z23go2WR9m" took
over 5 hours to recover. For typical or intuitive or plain
language passwords, recovery usually takes as little as
a few seconds. I had planned to upgrade my old Passware
Kit v5.3, but the Passware people sent Lost Password Recovery
Kit v7 for review and I have now resurrected half a dozen
documents which had been sitting around for ages (in one
case, over a year). Thank you Passware. As Microsoft, Novell,
Corel and dozens of other major software makers design
increasingly more secure document formats, the awareness
among software and PC users of the correspondingly increasing
need for greater personal and business information security
is becoming acute. With increased use of complex passwords
(or indeed any increased use of any kind of passwords)
comes greater chances for password loss or amnesia. The
Lost Password Recovery Kit is priced for businesses that
are serious about data security and which demand that company
documents be written and stored securely. Passware offers
an annual subscription plan which provides regular updates
as document security structures change. Very good product.
