DHTML Menu v6.3
by: Robert
Boardman, November 2005
by: Sothink
Requires: Windows
98/Me/2000 or XP
MSRP: US$39.95, €35.95
to the developer's site this product will build unlimited level
DHTML Drop Down Menus with fully customizable text, image,
font, link, tip, background color or image, icon, arrow, border,
transparency and special effects. It makes menus which are
compatible with most browser types including Internet Explorer,
Netscape, Mozilla, Opera, Firefox, Camino and Safari on Windows,
Mac OS and Linux platforms. It can set the exact position of
the menu in a page by distinguishing the contents of menu items.
It can easily cross-frame menus for frame-based web sites.
It can even dynamically generate drop down menus from a database
by using ASP, PHP, Cold Fusion or other server side code.
Menu developer's set has tutorials available to help the
new user through some typical situations. The Intermediate
level tutorials are designed to help the user work with
DHTML Menu Builder and either Dreamweaver or Front Page.
There are also tutorials about setting the links between
various parts of a site, making menus and links that are
suitable for frame-based sites and using DHTML with JSP,
ASP, Cold Fusion, and PHP. The program can generate menus
in English, French, Simplified Chinese and Traditional
Chinese. It seems to be quite a versatile product.
The program
is very easy to install or upgrade. During the test period
I upgraded from v6.2 to v6.3 in less than two minutes.
It takes up about 6MB on a hard drive. Despite being able
to create menus compatible with a wide variety of browsers
on all major operating system, the DHTML Menu program itself
is only available for the Windows operating system.
The basic
method of operation is a little bit idiosyncratic, but
takes only a few minutes practice to get familiar with.
Most Internet user are familiar with using drop down menus,
but probably not with what's behind their operation. Drop
down menus use JavaScript to operate. They usually have
some Cascading Style Sheet features to make them attractive
as well as make them work. DHTML Menu hides the building
of the JavaScript and the Style Sheets from site designers
and lets them concentrate on design. It does this in a
number of well thought out and easy to use ways. It should
be said that DHMTL Menu is not an application for people
who have never made web sites before. It requires someone
with some experience with site building to use it reasonably
well. Many of the terms and actions in DHTML Menu made
perfect sense to me only because I have experience with
HTML. The program does not require you to know any JavaScript
or CSS.
started, DHTML Menu expects you to select a template to
use for the menus. The program comes with an extensive
collection to help you get started. Existing templates
can be altered and then saved as new templates so you can
build your own library of preferred styles. Once you are
finished building the menus you need, you are then expected
to drop the menus into an existing site or web page. At
that point, DHTML Menu works its magic and builds the internal
code and the external files needed for the menus to operate
(including the HTML code needed for the HTML page you are
designing). DHTML Menu builds a series of JavaScript files
and puts them in the same folder as the page or site. When
the page or site is uploaded to your web server or hosting
company, these JavaScript files must also be uploaded to
the same relative location as they were on the developer's
hard drive.
It is
these JavaScript files that are the source of my only frustration
with DHTML Menu. One of the reasons I wanted to review
this program was to learn more about building drop down
menus. Unfortunately, I could not learn anything by looking
at the DHTML Menu JavaScript files except that Sothink
has protected their product reasonably well. The JavaScript
files seem to be keywords followed by arrays of values
that must mean something to the other bits of code but
nothing to me.
Menu does its job well. It is easy to use, has a standard,
straight forward interface, and integrates well with commercial
and freeware HTML editors as well as with a variety of
scripting languages and back ends. If you are an intermediate
level (or better) web site designer who uses different
styles of drop down menus regularly, DHTML Menu will save
you development time and effort for a very reasonable price.
