Professional v6.5
by: Paul
Schneider, Ph.D., April 2004
by: Dantz
Requires: Windows
98 through XP; 128MB RAM, 50MB free hard drive space
MSRP: $89.00
Retrospect Professional software is designed to provide
a full backup solution for small businesses and home
networks. Retrospect Professional provides the tools
needed for backing up a Windows computer and up to
two additional computers - laptops or desktops -
running Mac OS or Windows.
face it, backing up your hard drive(s) is a tedious
task at best. If you are like most people your
backup strategy consists of two words: Hope & Pray.
We hope nothing bad will happen and when it inevitably
does, we pray we can recover our data. However,
when you have an incredible amount of work or personal
information stored on your computer(s), hope and
pray are not effective strategies. With Retrospect
Professional you will be on the way to developing
more effective, reliable and elegant strategies.
I began to evaluate Retrospect Professional I focused
on three key aspects: ease of use, features and
reliability. In terms of reliability, the software
certainly passed the mark. The technology which
provides this high level of reliability is called
Progressive Backup, a name which essentially describes
Retrospect's approach to providing you with a complete
and accurate backup without the punishment of long
backup times typically required for high levels
of accuracy. The first time you backup the system
an entire copy and snapshot is created. Subsequent
backups review previous snapshots and then create
a new progressive backup which focuses solely on
those items that are new or have changed. The end
result is a ongoing set of updates which enable
you to fully restore your system at any time, but
without the lengthy backup times typically associated
with this level of reliability.
Professional is certainly stacked with features. Although
the program is designed for small businesses, many of the
advanced features found in other products in the Retrospect
line are already built directly into Professional and only
require an activation key to be enabled. Retrospect Professional,
as stated previously, allows you to backup three different
computers that reside within the same network. Within this
configuration you might have two desktops and a laptop
or any other combination. A nice feature when using laptops
is that when the laptop is back in the network, Retrospect
will automatically start a backup if one is scheduled or
In general
each backup set allows for different strategies as well.
For example you might decide to create multiple backup
copies and store one of these copies off site. Retrospect
Professional will be right there with you, even providing
a wizard to help step you through this type of configuration.
If you are using your computer(s) frequently you might
also run into a tug of war between your backup program
and the files that are currently in use. In most instances
the backup program loses and your files are not backed
up. Retrospect Professional circumvents this problem through
a technology they call Open File Backup. This enables Retrospect
Professional to lock or shut down files in use, back them
up, and then restore the system/files to its previous state.
This is particularly helpful for programs like MS Outlook
that keep some files constantly active. All of these features
and more help to provide you with a number of effective
backup strategies that are long, long way from "hope
and pray".
As for
ease of use I have to admit I had a mixed experience. The
program is certainly easy to set up and get running, but
some of the conventions and names are, well, less than
conventional. There are plenty of wizards that make many
processes easy, but then they are not always intuitively
named and there is no general wizard for those who want
to get up and running ASAP. For example, one of my first
backup choices was to backup and restore a single folder,
its files and all its subfolders and files. The ability
to select and deselect the files from the preview menu
was hardly friendly, and I was initially left quite discouraged.
Only later did I realize I could easily accomplish this
task by designating the folder as a sub-volume. This made
the process very easy, but getting there was not terribly
successive backups and editing these scripts was also quite
easy once I recognized this wizard for what it was. Although
I did indicate that setting up Retrospect Professional
was easy, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention how
difficult it was to get Retrospect Professional to work
with my Dell DVD+RW drive. I first upgraded Retrospect
Professional online, but this didn’t resolve my problem.
It was a call to tech support and their diligent persistence
that eventually led me to another patch on the web site
that solved the issue. Although the folks at Retrospect
were excellent, it really should not have been that hard.
Professional certainly packs a lot of punch. The feature
set provides an impressive number of options which easily
meet most small business needs and makes upgrades to advanced
Retrospect products a relatively painless process with
a short learning curve. The one area where it could still
use some improvement is the overall interface. Small business
owners usually have little time to learn more than the
basics of backup and a master wizard would have been a
nice touch. One other feature that certainly would have
saved me some personal pain would have been an automatic
update feature that would poll the web site for any patches
or upgrades. Despite these issues Retrospect Professional
is certainly a good candidate for an effective backup strategy
for your home or small business network. With Retrospect
Professional you will be able to rest easy at night, knowing
that failed hope and unanswered prayers will no longer
result in a lost data nightmare. Recommended.
